Michael Scherer has a simple saying “Teaching today, to catch one tomorrow”. This saying sums up everything that Michael stands for.
Michael’s leadership skills started early as a gymnastics coach at 16 years old while living in Roanoke, Virginia and even taught at a sports camp during the summer at Virginia Tech. He could also be found rounding up the neighbor kids and teaching them some sort of outdoor skills.
When Michael moved back to Texas he devoted his time by becoming involved with Ducks Unlimited, Leave No Trace, Tread Lightly, Boy Scouts of America, and Texas Parks & Wildlife.
Throughout the years Michael has received numerous awards, recognitions, and certifications so he can help others.
• 2008 – Boy Scout – District Award of Merit
• 2013 – Boy Scouts – Silver Beaver Award (Texas Skies District)
• 2014 – Boy Scouts – Certified Angler Instructor #417-14
• 2015 – Boy Scouts – Certified Angler of The Year
• 2016 – Tread Lightly Master Educator
• 2016 – Boy Scout – William T. Hornaday Badge
• 2010 – Texas Parks & Wildlife – Certified Angler Educator #1001210
• 2015 – TP&W Certified Boater Educator
• 2016 – ACA Kayak Instructor
• 2015 – TP&W Angler Education Gold Award
• 2016 – TP&W Angler Educator Platinum Award
• 2016 – Texas Commission on Environmental Quality – Runner up – Individual Award
• 2016 – Project WILD / Aquatic WILD – Facilitator
• 2016 – USA Level 1 Archery Instructor Certified
• 2016 – Hunter Education Instructor
Not only has Michael been awarded and recognized for his outstanding service to others, but also gives his time to serve on various boards and started two new groups
• Fishing’s Future – Teaching families basic angler education across the USA through Family Fish Camps. Volunteer
• 2016 – 2nd CASTS (founder) – a Part of Fishing’s Future – Collects used fishing tackle & gear that is cleaned up and issued to families, Scout Camps, State Parks, and local community nature centers.
• 2015 – present – Coastal Brigade / Texas Brigades – Committee Member and volunteer
• 2014 – Founder – Green Hornets Leave No Trace Team – Hutsell Elementary School
• 2018 – present – TPWD Inland Fisheries Advisory Board
• 2020 – Steve Campbell Outstanding Educators Award from the National Aquatic Education Resource Association (A.R.E.A)
2024 – Texas Parks & Wild – Sapphire Award for being the first instructor in the State of Texas and possibly in the USA to have certified over 1000+ Adults how to teach others the basics of fishing and stewardship.
2024 – Presidential Award for volunteering over 6000+ hours
The Scherer family has also taken a few hits from mother nature with the loss of their home to a fire in 2009 and then after rebuilding house flooded during Hurricane Harvey in 2017. This did not stop Michael and wife, Elizabeth from putting together a program called “First Catch Centers” with Fishing’s Future and the Recreation Boating and Fishing Foundation. That help educated more than 10,000 people in Texas and New Jersey. Michael has always been an individual who truly lives to serve.
Ethics & Stewardship
Michael has always cared for the environment and has taught Leave No Trace and Tread Lightly skills to various groups. In 2014, while fishing in a community park he found that trash and fishing line was the only catch of the day. Instead of finger pointing, he asked the precinct in ways he could bring in other to help. Michael turned to a local elementary school and spoke with their school council. The Hutsell Elementary School “Green Hornets” was started and still meets today. The group meets 4 times a year at the park and he teaches them about water issues and then does a park clean up. The trash is collected and laid out for all to see and discuss ways to educate the public. One item that was noticed was a large amount of fishing line and fish bones with fishing line wrapped around them. In 2015, Michael looked at ways to help fisherman become better ethical anglers to the environment and helped them become stewards by looking into the fishing line problems that entangle all the fins and feather friends in the waterways. He wrote a guide called “Prevent Monofilament from Becoming the Next Invasive”. An instructional guide that teaches how to build, install, manage, and recycle monofilament fishing line. This guide is currently being used across the USA in Programs, 4-H clubs, Fishing Clubs, and even some colleges. Since 2015 Michael alone has collected and recorded recycling 10491.825 oz, or 655.74 pounds of monofilament fishing line.
Leadership and commitment to improving fishing
Michael’s dad, Vernon Scherer, played a huge factor in his leadership style. My dad was a good father, mentor, and a leader in the community. His leadership style was one that brought people together and engaging. I feel my dad would be very proud in what I am doing in sharing my passion that he taught me many years ago. It comes from the heart.
During COVID-19 Michael could not sit in his home and do nothing. He found a way, and items in his garage to continue angler education to the community through Zoom video conferencing. It had to be Interactive, Online, and needed to be a family experience. The Interactive Online Experience Family Fish Camps were born. He turned his home office into a studio and then started online programs.
• Cub Scouts – Bears – elective called “A Bear Goes Fishing”
o Scouts registered from Texas, Kansas, South Carolina, and New Jersey
• Fishing’s Future – Family Fishing Camps Online
o Basic Knot Skills – How to create a wire hanger hook
o Basic Fishing Equipment
o Basic Fish ID
• Texas Parks & Wildlife issued permission to do a pilot Angler Instruction Class
Unselfish Contributions to the Sport of Fishing
Leaving a legacy, planting a seed, shaping the next generation are other sayings that Michael teaches along with “Teaching today, to catch one tomorrow”! But these saying are not just for Michael to have more fish to catch, but for future families and anglers to be able to catch that first fish together in clean waterways. He always says that the greatest gift after a family fish camp on Saturday, is a text from a family on Sunday with the saying, “We caught a fish today”! Not “I”, but “we”.
The contribution of teaching angler education as a volunteer with Texas Parks & Wildlife from 2010 to present day Apr 2020 has been recorded. 3200 hours, has been a part of and has run 570 events, educated 17, 308 Adults, and 20,566 Youth to date.
Overall Contribution
Everyday I think on how I can make a difference through education and sharing my passion of fishing and the outdoors. I push myself to learn more to share more but staying within my comfort zone of teaching. I create by the knowledge I understand. My true overall contribution to recreational fishing is simple. I make it fun.
Today, Michael Scherer is the Program Director of Fishing’s Future