Our Chapters

Fishing's Future is more than a sport.
Contact UsStart a Chapter
  • Bill Horvath – Kansas

    Retired Hero

  • Brownsville, Texas

    Liana Garcia (Lerma)

  • Brownsville, Texas

    Andres Garcia

  • Bulverde / Spring Branch Chapter – Bulverde TEXAS

    Francesca Filippone

  • Carp-a-diem Chapter – Clay Center Kansas

    Samantha Trembath

  • Central Texas-Boerne

    Matthew Allen

  • Corpus Christi Chapter

  • Courage To Overcome

    Stephanie Berry

  • Craig Allen

  • Crappie Stopper Jigs & Flies

    Kim Burnett

  • Dallas, Texas

    Ernie Barlow

  • Daniel Martinez – South Texas Blind Chapter – Texas

  • Desert Outdoors

    Rene Atkinson

  • Dodge City High School

    Dave Foster

  • Douglas County Chapter – Sherri Withers

    Sherri Withers

  • Edmond, OK

    Joshua W. Stratton

  • El Paso, Texas

    Toni Van De Putte

  • Eslam Moursi – San Pedro CA – Killer Bee Marine Chapter

  • FCC – Jesse Jones Park & Nature Center – Texas

    Jesse Jones Park & Nature Center

  • FCC – Kickerillo-Mischer Preserve – Texas

    Kickerillo-Mischer Preserve

  • FCC – Spring Creek Greenway Nature Center – Texas

    Spring Creek Greenway Nature Center

  • FCC – USFWS – Laguna Atascoas National Wildlfe Refruge


  • Fort Collins, Colorado

    Brendan Chenoweth

  • FROG (Fort Riley Outdoorsmen Group)

    Steven R. Wahle

  • Galveston Brazoria County Chapter

    Terry Smith

  • Greater St. Louis Area Chapter

    Tad Biggs

  • Greenbush Chapter

    Sydney Hale, Emily Joy Roth, Arnie Beggs

  • Greybull, WY

    Danielle Lampman

  • Huntsville Piney Woods Chapter

    John Masterson

  • Johnson County, KS

    Frank Audano, Jr.

  • Josh & Sara Nelson – Clinton, OH

    Sara Nelson

  • Fishings Future Junction City Kansas Chapter Chris Biggs

    Junction City, Kansas

    Chris Biggs

  • Kansas Veterans (Topeka, Kansas)

    Brett Fox

  • Kansas Veterans, Topeka, KS

    Lyle Babcock

  • Katy Chapter

    Brenda Shaver

  • Ken Hyde – Texas

    Retired Hero

  • Lake Murray Chapter

    Adam Mosher

  • Lakeway Mansfield Chapter – Austin

  • Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania

    Jeff Lucas

  • Loveland, CO

    Heidi Albin

  • Lubbock, Texas

    Frank Garcia

  • Lulling, Texas

    Paul Silva

  • Lytle Texas Chapter

    Connie Petruskevich

  • McAllen, Texas

    Paul Trevino

  • McAllen, TX

    Tiffany Kersten

  • Miami County Kansas Chapter (RETIRED 12/30/2021)

    Mike Schmitt / Paola, Kansas

  • Michael Scherer

    Program Director / Houston TX

  • Michael Wilson – OHIO – Ottawa County

  • Mid Valley

    Alberto Herrera

  • Minneapolis, MN

    Jim Edlund

  • Mission, Texas

    Roy Rodriguez

  • Mulvane, Kansas

    Gregory Schott

  • Nevada, MO (RETIRED 10/4/2021)

    John Copple

  • New-Old School Fishing Chapter

    CindyMae Rucker

  • Newton, Kansas

    Stuart Scott

  • Noblesville Fishers Chapter

    Aaron Wilson

  • Ogden, UT

    Ken Cottle

  • Ogden, Utah

    Robert Matasic

  • Olathe JoCo KS Chapter (RETIRED 12/2021)

    Kristy Estabine

  • Outer Banks Chapter

    Christiane Deaton

  • Reel Blessed Chapter

    Mike & Tania Schulze

  • Salina, Kansas

    Kevin Reich

  • Salisbury Chapter

    Nathan Lang

  • Sarasota Chapter – Florida

    Mike Bennett

  • Shane Wilson

    Founder / CEO

  • South Padre Island, Texas

    Dan Wilson

  • Stacy Holt – Texas (Passed Nov 2024)

    Retired Hero

  • Sylvan Grove, KS

    Tommie Berger

  • Tar Heel Chapter

    Dr. Patrick Curley

  • Tom Lang

  • Tommy Graves Jr. – FLY906 Chapter – Michigan

  • Fishing's Future heroes

    Upper Flat Creek, NC

    Leslie Rosenberg

  • Walk Worthy Warriors Chapter

    Warren Wilson

  • Wichita, Kansas

    Scott Sennett

Bill Horvath – Kansas

Thank You Bill Horvath for all your many years with the Fishing’s Future Family. You are always welcome to help at any event.

Brownsville, Texas

Brownsville, Texas

Brownsville, Texas

Brownsville, Texas

Bulverde / Spring Branch Chapter – Bulverde TEXAS

Francesca Filippone is a native Texan who was raised on the water. Her father grew up fishing the Great Lakes and her mother’s childhood was spent at the Texas coast. Early in life her parents taught her the importance of environmental conservation. Her fishing abilities were inherited from her father and her interest in aquatic life and research is accredited to her mother. This passion for the water shaped her future similar to the way her faith has.

She is currently attending Texas State University pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geography with a concentration in Water Resources. Her interest of study includes laws pertaining to the environment, aquatic species, and the conservation of water resources. She is passionate about teaching families about environmental stewardship and preserving the adventurous spirit of fishing through youthful hearts.

She currently holds the title of Secretary for the Texas State Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international honor society in geography. She is also apart of the Texas State Chapter of Youthmappers, an online international mapping data program that aids undeveloped countries with disaster response resources.

This young lady is an avid angler, master scuba diver, surfer and wake boarder. She spends the majority of her free time in and on the water with family and friends.

Francesca’s mother and father volunteer alongside her in the Central Texas Chapter of Fishing’s Future. Together they advocate the importance of “families forever”.

Central Texas Chapter

UPDATE: 1/2025 – CHAPTER Name changing to Bulverde / Spring Branch Chapter – Bulverde TEXAS

Her team has grown to a new husband, Danial, and 2 boy.. Steal and Flint

Carp-a-diem Chapter – Clay Center Kansas

My name is Samantha Trembath and my husband is Alec Trembath. I have grown up fishing with my uncles and my cousins here in Kansas. We now take our children. I am a 1st and 2nd grade teacher in a small school near Clay Center and Alec is a paramedic at Clay County EMS. We have 3 children. Evan is going to be a Junior in high school, Harmony is going to be a 4th grader and our youngest Lyrik will be in kindergarten this year. Throughout our children’s lives they have been active in boy scouts, girl scouts, dance, soccer, and baseball. We enjoy doing things with our children outside. We have participated in Fishing’s Future events in the past and really enjoyed the events. We look forward to getting Clay county’s families involved in fishing with their children. We have the beautiful Republican River that flows through our county,  plenty of fishing ponds, and Milford Lake is only a 20 min drive from Clay Center. All of these locations are beautiful and can make a great place for family fun. As a teacher and parent I know how important parent involvement is. I feel like in this day and age our children need us more than ever! Unplug and go outside! That is why our chapters name is Carp-a-diem. It is Carpe diem which means seize the day (and the carp)! Everyday is a gift and what you do with it is yours to cherish. Cherish it with your children. 

Central Texas-Boerne

Corpus Christi Chapter

Wyatt Parcel – Jan 2022

I grew up in Tampa, FL and taught myself how to fish in the ponds in my neighborhood, going after bass, bluegill, and anything that would bite! 

Around 10 or 12 years old, I started taking notice of surf fisherman when I went to the beach. I’d ask questions and sit with them and watch them catch fish, and some would even let me reel in a fish! Eventually I started bringing my own rods to the beach and fishing on my own every weekend.

Just before high school my family had to move to TN, but I longed to get back to fishing in the salt. After graduating from college, I moved to Wilmington, NC where I was finally back to hunting for trout, reds, and flounder! In 2019, I was very blessed to be brought onto the Salt Strong team where I’ve been able to fulfill a lifelong dream of helping people become better fisherman! 

I now currently reside just outside of Corpus Christi, TX and am covering all aspects of coastal fishing along the Texas Coast!

I was very blessed to be invited onto the Fishing’s Future family of instructors at the beginning of 2022 and look forward to helping teach and unite families through the amazing sport of fishing! 


Courage To Overcome

Stephanie Guillory Berry is a wife, mother of three (3), and community activist.  Learning and teaching is the must in her life. She has fond memories of being inspired by her dad to live on the land and explore nature.   Her family incorporated frequent camping, picnics, gardening and fishing trips as a planned monthly event. Being outdoors and seeding the togetherness and teamwork while her family wade and walked in the woods was joyous.  Although exposed, she was never taught the skills or developed an understanding of the importance.

Somehow life and her careers led her into the jungle of cement, forgetting how being in nature was so relaxing.  Without the outdoors life can become stressful.  While volunteering with her daughters’ school Science Club she joined Texas Parks & Wildlife.   She received various certifications which gave her the confidence to live out her passion and became her way back to a life of sustainability and peace.   Her goal is to strengthen the family structure and connecting communities and schools through outdoors experiences while applying life skills.

Fishing Future’s was the perfect fit.  Their mission and vision were an exact alignment to her purpose.

Stephanie receives fulfillment in bringing back something that is almost extinct, the use and knowledge of being outdoors. She believes that it releases stress and can help ignite our youth’s natural creative ability to think outside the box. She is piloting the Be Me Curriculum she created that applies life skills to certain outdoor activities.

Her goal is to eliminate stereotypes and fears of the unknown creating the best first experience for those that have not been exposed to fishing and outdoor activities.

Abdul’s joy of fishing (her husband) and support for her dreams encouraged her pursue greater ventures of the outdoors.  Doing these events has strengthened their family bond and the relationship with her 3 daughters (ages 8, 12 and 15 yrs.)  It has given them a new outlook on life and a brighter future.  This has now turned into a family and friend’s connection where her nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends come out to help with set up while enjoying the outdoors.

Stephanie’s passion has led her to become a candidate for Texas Parks & Wildlife Area Chief in less than two years with over 200 volunteer hours.

Houston, TX

Craig Allen

Craig Fry Allen

Spending my entire life around water and the last 55 years with a fly rod in my hand sums up my fishing experience.  I love to fish and yes, I prefer the flyrod over conventional tackle.  Don’t get me wrong, I do own and sometimes use conventional equipment to go to battle when given my preference, I always choose flyfishing.  I have fished in water spanning all North America and have studied the sport of fishing since I was able to read. I love the sport that has given me a lifetime of enjoyment, opportunity to learn, adventure and time with family and friends. The love of flyfishing came at an early age furthering my growth within the sport and my pursuit of knowledge. To date, I have a lifetime list of 89 different species landed on the flyrod, including the very first IGFA (International Game Fish Association) flyrod tippet class world record for the spotted gar. Now is my time to give back and opening my own Fishing’s Future Chapter will allow me to share my passion and knowledge of fishing with new families looking to find a new lifetime hobby.

Robinson, ILLINOIS

Crappie Stopper Jigs & Flies

Kim Burnett was first introduced to fishing at the tender age of 3 years old by his mother and father in the city of Olathe, Ks.

Once Kim caught his first fish he was literally hooked for life.

From that moment on Kim and his father would take many trips to lakes, ponds, and rivers to enjoy their time together fishing. Tragically at 15 years old Kim’s father unexpectedly passed away, leaving a young son to figure out the world on his own.

This life changing moment was the unfortunate event that Kim was able to use to propel his gift of fishing to the next level.

Upon discovering this new found motivation for his passion of fishing, he began to study all of the types of fishing there are, from Bass, catfish, trout, and more.

At 18 years old he was introduced to Fly Fishing. Around that same time Kim started a family with his beautiful wife, Carolyn Burnett, and his three children. His life then consisted of working and fishing.

Fast forward to 25, Burnett was about to experience the next life altering moment when he found is groove in Fly-Tying.

Always being a quick learner with a great work ethic, Burnett immediately began creating, assembling and using his own jigs. After a few outings, catching the limits, and sharing his information with the fisherman around him (who were gathering increasingly more at each fishing spot he went to and wondering what he was using) he decided to start his own business. Crappie Stopper Jigs & Flies (1998).

A few classes, a lot of practice, and a lot of fishing later, Burnett, now 50, is one of the most sought after fishermen in his city. He is also an award winning, Traveling Fly-Fishing and Fly-Tying instructor.

You might ask, what is Mr. Burnett doing when he is not serving on the board of the Olathe Fishing derby, giving kids opportunities to learn about and participate in the sport he loves, helping run The Kansas Crappie Club, fishing in crappie tournaments, teaching Fly-Tying at K+K Fly Fishing and Bass Pro Shops, doing fishing expos and seminars for adults and kids all around the midwest, or being an amazing husband, dad and Papa?

Kim Burnett also known as Big Fish, and also known as The Crappie Stopper, is most definitely at an exclusive spot somewhere… still fishing.

He aims to give back to his community by keeping the useful lifeskill of fishing alive, and making a positive impact on the younger and older generations alike by teaching and showing them the art and lifestyle of a true fisherman.

“Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

He believes if you keep God first, work hard and have fun you will always succeed.

Join the movement. Find him on the water, buy a jig and/or fly and catch the limit!

Olathe, KS

Daniel Martinez – South Texas Blind Chapter – Texas

Jan 8, 2025 – Fishing’s Future has a new South Texas Chapter for the Blind

Daniel Martinez, a blind mentor for individuals with disabilities, holds a master’s degree in special education. As a mentor, Daniel cultivates confidence, leadership, and essential social skills, empowering individuals to become strong advocates for themselves. He also serves as a pre-employment transition skills trainer and as a job exploration partner, equipping students with the tools they need for successful employment and independent living.

To celebrate White Cane Day in October 2024, Daniel organized a fishing clinic where blind individuals had the opportunity to explore fishing tackle. Following this, on December 21, 2024, he organized a fishing trip to a resaca, where 5 blind youth and 5 blind adults gathered to fish. Since then, Daniel has gone fishing with friends and family, and other blind friends have been inspired to try fishing themselves.

Master Angler, Daniel Martinez, leads the South Texas Blind Anglers Chapter of Fishing’s Future. He obtained the Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Angler Educator Certification on February 1, 2025. And he invites you to follow exciting events through the Fishing’s Future page.

Desert Outdoors

BIO Coming Soon

El Paso, Texas

Dodge City High School

Douglas County Chapter – Sherri Withers

I was introduced to Fishing’s Future in 2015.  I was impressed with their mission and decided to take the course and become a certified Angler Instructor.   A few months later I opened my own chapter and became a Master Angler.  Now I have my own equipment on hand to spread my love of fishing with others.

My chapter is based out of Lawrence, Kansas (Douglas County).

One of my favorite yearly clinics is with the Becoming an Outdoors Woman!  B.O.W.  Since 2019 I’ve been volunteering teaching women – Intro to Fishing with this unique program.  We meet twice a year at the Rock Springs 4H Ranch for a 3 day weekend!    Seeing those ladies grow to confident anglers is very rewarding.

The Douglas County Fishing’s Future Chapter will be out helping at other events and holding our own Family Fish Camps close to home.   We will be posting them here on the Fishing’s Future website and our Facebook Page.

Please like Fishing’s Future on Facebook!

Sherri Withers, Douglas County Chapter of Fishing’s Future

Edmond, OK

Red Dirt Chapter

Eslam Moursi – San Pedro CA – Killer Bee Marine Chapter

I got my start in fishing while serving in the Army. Although fishing had sparked
my interest while I was in the service, I did not start taking fishing seriously until I had
left and moved back home to California. Fishing gave me a much needed release while
attending college for electrical engineering at California State University Long Beach
subsequent to my military service. I had not realized that my new hobby would become
a very passionate personal cause.I had never felt such an appreciation for the outdoors,
and I take great pride in introducing other outdoorsmen to this lifestyle.
I consider myself a balanced angler. I believe there are two main components to
fishing, in particular bass fishing which is by far my favorite species. The first
component is the scientific. These are the biological and physical characteristics that
facilitate a bass’s behavior. Like all anglers I like to study these patterns and tendencies
in order to increase my probabilities for success on the water. For instance, I will
monitor wind direction and magnitude in order to optimize bait selection. This
component is a bit empirical and mechanical however it is necessary. The other
component I like to study is the more intuitive or expressive side of angling. I believe
this is just as important as the scientific side and certainly when it comes to the realm of
bass fishing. Details such as retrieve speed for certain lures, pauses interjected while
working a lure or even adding dyes to a lure all represent the more expressive side.
These are attributes which I believe are not easily quantified or expressed as absolutes.
I truly believe an anglers essence and personality shine through while expressing this
side. Both components are learned mainly through experience and require a certain
appreciation to truly be understood. The intersection of these two are the most
appealing component of fishing to me and I enjoy spending time thinking about how
they relate. Overall, I always remain humble and eager to learn.

Eslam Moursi

Instagram – killerbeemarine


FCC – Jesse Jones Park & Nature Center – Texas

Take Me Fishing First Catch Centers to Cultivate the Next Generation of Anglers

On-the-water experience hubs will bring fishing and boating experiences to urban audiences

ALEXANDRIA, VA (October 31, 2017) – The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation today announced the launch of its Take Me Fishing™ First Catch Centers in Pennsylvania and Texas. These First Catch Centers will bring fishing and boating experiences and learning opportunities to urban areas, fostering the next generation of anglers and boaters.

“Baseball, football and golf all have iconic youth development programs,” said RBFF President and CEO Frank Peterson. “Fishing has relied mostly on parents and grandparents to pass along the fishing tradition, but as the country becomes more urbanized, we’re slowly losing this pipeline of participants. Our First Catch Centers are here to fill that void, and secure the future of fishing and boating participation.”

Starting this year, Take Me Fishing-endorsed programs in Pennsylvania and Texas will bring fishing and boating experiences to youth and families.

  • Fishing’s Future, (Texas)
    • 60+ pre-existing chapters across the country
    • Will open an additional 8 chapters in the Houston, Dallas, and New Jersey area, as well as work with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge in Texas and local fish hatcheries.
  • Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) (greater Philadelphia)
    • Mobile #FirstCatch Center will bring fishing and boating experiences to consumers
    • In 2018, a second mobile unit will be added to increase the program’s reach
    • PFBC will also be working with and hosting events at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Philadelphia.

With research showing that multiple touchpoints are needed to foster continued participation, each program will be evaluated on its ability to collect participant data and ensure repeat visits. Ultimately, this will create lifelong anglers and boaters, providing critical funding for conservation programs and boosting the economy for years to come.

As RBFF grows the Take Me Fishing First Catch Centers, increased support from the industry will be needed. If your organization is interested in sponsoring the First Catch Centers or providing equipment, please contact Kendra Lee (klee@rbff.org).

About the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF)

RBFF is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase participation in recreational angling and boating, thereby protecting and restoring the nation’s aquatic natural resources. RBFF developed the award-winning Take Me Fishing™ and Vamos A Pescar™ campaigns to create awareness around boating, fishing and conservation, and educate people about the benefits of participation. Take Me Fishing and Vamos A Pescar help boaters and anglers of all ages and experience levels learn, plan and equip for a day on the water. The campaign websites, TakeMeFishing.org, and VamosAPescar.org, feature how-to videos, information on how to get a fishing license and boat registration, and an interactive state-by-state map that allows visitors to find local boating and fishing spots.

FCC – Kickerillo-Mischer Preserve – Texas

Take Me Fishing First Catch Centers to Cultivate the Next Generation of Anglers

On-the-water experience hubs will bring fishing and boating experiences to urban audiences

ALEXANDRIA, VA (October 31, 2017) – The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation today announced the launch of its Take Me Fishing™ First Catch Centers in Pennsylvania and Texas. These First Catch Centers will bring fishing and boating experiences and learning opportunities to urban areas, fostering the next generation of anglers and boaters.

“Baseball, football and golf all have iconic youth development programs,” said RBFF President and CEO Frank Peterson. “Fishing has relied mostly on parents and grandparents to pass along the fishing tradition, but as the country becomes more urbanized, we’re slowly losing this pipeline of participants. Our First Catch Centers are here to fill that void, and secure the future of fishing and boating participation.”

Starting this year, Take Me Fishing-endorsed programs in Pennsylvania and Texas will bring fishing and boating experiences to youth and families.

  • Fishing’s Future, (Texas)
    • 60+ pre-existing chapters across the country
    • Will open an additional 8 chapters in the Houston, Dallas, and New Jersey area, as well as work with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge in Texas and local fish hatcheries.
  • Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) (greater Philadelphia)
    • Mobile #FirstCatch Center will bring fishing and boating experiences to consumers
    • In 2018, a second mobile unit will be added to increase the program’s reach
    • PFBC will also be working with and hosting events at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Philadelphia.

With research showing that multiple touchpoints are needed to foster continued participation, each program will be evaluated on its ability to collect participant data and ensure repeat visits. Ultimately, this will create lifelong anglers and boaters, providing critical funding for conservation programs and boosting the economy for years to come.

As RBFF grows the Take Me Fishing First Catch Centers, increased support from the industry will be needed. If your organization is interested in sponsoring the First Catch Centers or providing equipment, please contact Kendra Lee (klee@rbff.org).

About the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF)

RBFF is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase participation in recreational angling and boating, thereby protecting and restoring the nation’s aquatic natural resources. RBFF developed the award-winning Take Me Fishing™ and Vamos A Pescar™ campaigns to create awareness around boating, fishing and conservation, and educate people about the benefits of participation. Take Me Fishing and Vamos A Pescar help boaters and anglers of all ages and experience levels learn, plan and equip for a day on the water. The campaign websites, TakeMeFishing.org, and VamosAPescar.org, feature how-to videos, information on how to get a fishing license and boat registration, and an interactive state-by-state map that allows visitors to find local boating and fishing spots.

FCC – Spring Creek Greenway Nature Center – Texas

Take Me Fishing First Catch Centers to Cultivate the Next Generation of Anglers

On-the-water experience hubs will bring fishing and boating experiences to urban audiences

ALEXANDRIA, VA (October 31, 2017) – The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation today announced the launch of its Take Me Fishing™ First Catch Centers in Pennsylvania and Texas. These First Catch Centers will bring fishing and boating experiences and learning opportunities to urban areas, fostering the next generation of anglers and boaters.

“Baseball, football and golf all have iconic youth development programs,” said RBFF President and CEO Frank Peterson. “Fishing has relied mostly on parents and grandparents to pass along the fishing tradition, but as the country becomes more urbanized, we’re slowly losing this pipeline of participants. Our First Catch Centers are here to fill that void, and secure the future of fishing and boating participation.”

Starting this year, Take Me Fishing-endorsed programs in Pennsylvania and Texas will bring fishing and boating experiences to youth and families.

  • Fishing’s Future, (Texas)
    • 60+ pre-existing chapters across the country
    • Will open an additional 8 chapters in the Houston, Dallas, and New Jersey area, as well as work with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge in Texas and local fish hatcheries.
  • Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) (greater Philadelphia)
    • Mobile #FirstCatch Center will bring fishing and boating experiences to consumers
    • In 2018, a second mobile unit will be added to increase the program’s reach
    • PFBC will also be working with and hosting events at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Philadelphia.

With research showing that multiple touchpoints are needed to foster continued participation, each program will be evaluated on its ability to collect participant data and ensure repeat visits. Ultimately, this will create lifelong anglers and boaters, providing critical funding for conservation programs and boosting the economy for years to come.

As RBFF grows the Take Me Fishing First Catch Centers, increased support from the industry will be needed. If your organization is interested in sponsoring the First Catch Centers or providing equipment, please contact Kendra Lee (klee@rbff.org).

About the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF)

RBFF is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase participation in recreational angling and boating, thereby protecting and restoring the nation’s aquatic natural resources. RBFF developed the award-winning Take Me Fishing™ and Vamos A Pescar™ campaigns to create awareness around boating, fishing and conservation, and educate people about the benefits of participation. Take Me Fishing and Vamos A Pescar help boaters and anglers of all ages and experience levels learn, plan and equip for a day on the water. The campaign websites, TakeMeFishing.org, and VamosAPescar.org, feature how-to videos, information on how to get a fishing license and boat registration, and an interactive state-by-state map that allows visitors to find local boating and fishing spots.

FCC – USFWS – Laguna Atascoas National Wildlfe Refruge

Take Me Fishing First Catch Centers to Cultivate the Next Generation of Anglers


On-the-water experience hubs will bring fishing and boating experiences to urban audiences


ALEXANDRIA, VA (October 31, 2017) – The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation today announced the launch of its Take Me Fishing™ First Catch Centers in Pennsylvania and Texas. These First Catch Centers will bring fishing and boating experiences and learning opportunities to urban areas, fostering the next generation of anglers and boaters.

“Baseball, football and golf all have iconic youth development programs,” said RBFF President and CEO Frank Peterson. “Fishing has relied mostly on parents and grandparents to pass along the fishing tradition, but as the country becomes more urbanized, we’re slowly losing this pipeline of participants. Our First Catch Centers are here to fill that void, and secure the future of fishing and boating participation.”

Starting this year, Take Me Fishing-endorsed programs in Pennsylvania and Texas will bring fishing and boating experiences to youth and families.

  • Fishing’s Future, (Texas)
    • 60+ pre-existing chapters across the country
    • Will open an additional 8 chapters in the Houston, Dallas, and New Jersey area, as well as work with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge in Texas and local fish hatcheries.
  • Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) (greater Philadelphia)
    • Mobile #FirstCatch Center will bring fishing and boating experiences to consumers
    • In 2018, a second mobile unit will be added to increase the program’s reach
    • PFBC will also be working with and hosting events at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Philadelphia.

With research showing that multiple touchpoints are needed to foster continued participation, each program will be evaluated on its ability to collect participant data and ensure repeat visits. Ultimately, this will create lifelong anglers and boaters, providing critical funding for conservation programs and boosting the economy for years to come.

As RBFF grows the Take Me Fishing First Catch Centers, increased support from the industry will be needed. If your organization is interested in sponsoring the First Catch Centers or providing equipment, please contact Kendra Lee (klee@rbff.org).

About the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF)

RBFF is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase participation in recreational angling and boating, thereby protecting and restoring the nation’s aquatic natural resources. RBFF developed the award-winning Take Me Fishing™ and Vamos A Pescar™ campaigns to create awareness around boating, fishing and conservation, and educate people about the benefits of participation. Take Me Fishing and Vamos A Pescar help boaters and anglers of all ages and experience levels learn, plan and equip for a day on the water. The campaign websites, TakeMeFishing.org, and VamosAPescar.org, feature how-to videos, information on how to get a fishing license and boat registration, and an interactive state-by-state map that allows visitors to find local boating and fishing spots.

Fort Collins, Colorado

Ft. Collins, CO

FROG (Fort Riley Outdoorsmen Group)

Steve Wahle’s bio is coming soon…….

Ft. Riley, KS

Galveston Brazoria County Chapter


I was fortunate to be able to early retire from CenterPoint Energy Electric Company in summer of 2015 after 38 years. I became a “Stay at home dad” so I could be home for my daughter Jennifer, who has Down Syndrome. She was in Junior High School at the time. At the beginning of 2016 with Jennifer back in school, I reached out to TPWD’s Sea Center Texas in Lake Jackson to volunteer with youth fishing events. Jennifer had previously visited there with a special needs group. I was soon not only assisting with the fishing, but also began guiding tours and assisting with hatchery support.

That same year, I became an Angler Education Youth Fishing Instructor with TPWD. I assisted with numerous offsite fishing events. With support from TPWD, I started doing brief fish and wildlife presentations for the special needs kids in our local school district. This also included some “specially tailored” Backyard Bass, Fish ID and Trash Talk events. My daughter Jennifer was at every event, eventually presenting with me. We also brought in “dead fish” and “live crabs”.

Up until the pandemic, Jennifer and I were presenting in 1 High School, 2 Junior High Schools and 2 Elementary Schools with special needs classes on a regular basis. We had also given one presentation to teachers and were setting up Junior Angler Classes with the Gifted and Talented Program at an elementary school.

I have also supported offsite fishing programs with Adults with Disabilities as well as those with Alzheimer/Dementia. These programs are tailored to each group and may include actual fishing, casting, hands-on activities and “show & tell” presentations.

I like to always add a disclaimer that I have no formal training with disabilities—I’m just a dad that likes to fish with the kids and I have a lot of patience! Note also that that these presentations and events are graciously supported by numerous agencies within the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. I am thankful to the teachers who saw the educational fun the kids had while learning about fishing. We did smell up the classrooms a few times with the “dead” fish presentation!

Texas Parks & Wildlife AED Volunteer Youth Fishing Instructor

Texas Parks & Wildlife AED Volunteer Area Chief

Texas Parks & Wildlife Sea Center Texas Volunteer

And a Dad!

Terry Smith

Greater St. Louis Area Chapter

Shrewsbury, MO

“Tad” H.W. Biggs, II is a native of Missouri and enjoys the abundant outdoor opportunities the state has to offer whether fishing or hiking. Tad was named after his father “Froggie” Hubert Biggs He grew up catching bait and fishing alongside his family and friends in the creeks, rivers, ponds and lakes in Missouri. Tad and wife Diane both believe that it is our responsibility to educate children to be responsible stewards of the earth. Tad’s goal is to pass on to the next generation of kids the love of fishing as well as educating them on the joys of the outdoors.

Tad is currently active as a Boy Scouts of America Certified Angling Instructor and the BSA Greater St. Louis Area Council Fishing Committee Chair. He and  son Calvin spend their spare time instructing the youth and adults of the Greater St. Louis area on how to fish. Tad is responsible for creating the Cub Scout Angler Education Day event which is now the sixth module of the Cub Scout Fishing Program.

“Teach a kid only how to fish and they will be back playing on their phone within thirty minutes. Teach a kid to experience nature all around him, how to build their own rod, catch their own bait, read the ripples in the water, know what fish they are fishing for, and how to prepare what they have caught will hook them for life.”  Tad


Shrewsbury, MO

Greenbush Chapter

We work for Greenbush Southeast Kansas Education Service Center, a facility whose goal is to provide unique and equal educational opportunities for youth throughout the state. Emily Joy Roth is our Summer Camp and Enrichment Coordinator, Amie Beggs is our Team- Building and Leadership Coordinator, and Sydney Hale is our Horticulture and Outdoor Education Coordinator.  With three separate programs we come together frequently to organize educational events for students in all subjects, with the goal of getting kids outdoors and active! Our activities include everything from fishing, archery, and canoeing, to team-building on the ropes course, classroom lessons, and much more. We host events for school districts, organizations, and the community!

Greybull, WY

I was raised in Basin, Wyoming.  Now I live in Greybull, about 7 miles away from where I was raised. I have my loving husband Jason and we have 3 children combined!  I have two children, Camryn and Ashtyn and Jason’s daughter Summer.

I was raised in the country by my grandparents and was able to attend summer camps, play sports and spend as much time as I wanted outside.   My sister and I would play in the fields, built forts and cool off by jumping into the ditches (if only we had known that it was dirty canal water).  My grandfather was a military man and although he taught me many things and spent lots of time with me, we just didn’t go many places, including fishing.  I didn’t realize how much I really loved to fish until I was a teenager and went with some friends.  Fishing was a self-taught thing for me.  I like to hike and camp and in the winter we ski and snowboard.  Every time we go somewhere we learn something new.

My children love to fish.  My son, Camryn, will get on his bike every day, and ride up to the local raw water pond and sit until dark with his friends and fish.  My best friend and husband, Jason has a daughter, Summer, and we spend most of our time camping and fishing in the summer time.  Jason and I both have concerns of our children relying on electronics, so we want to teach them things they can do outdoors.  We wish for children to learn survival skills as well as enjoying the beauty and serenity that we have right in our back yards.   Jason is careful to have the kids learn and practice everything that he teaches them.  It really is amazing to watch him teach and them learn.

3 years ago, I was approached regarding stocking the raw water pond, and how years ago a fishing event was held there.  I had 3 weeks, but was determined and with Jason’s help and the help of family members and friends, we pulled it off.  We had almost 100 participants!  That is a big turnout for our rural community.    This year I decided to go even bigger and with some basic email contacts I was put in touch with Fishing’s Future.  What an awesome honor to be part of this great organization.  Thank you for this opportunity.   Wyoming embraces you!

UPDATE!!  2016 we had over double the participation at the local pond!

This year, 2017, we did more individual camps and a lot of one on one, as our access to the location of the Town’s Raw Water pond has been denied.  It just makes us stronger and want to work harder!!!  We love what we do and spending time with kids is the ultimate reward.  We are currently looking into a new location to hold an annual event to run for years to come.

Greybull, WY

Huntsville Piney Woods Chapter

Hello John Masterson here, I am an Angler Ed. Instructor certified with Texas Parks and

Wildlife. I love fishing as a hobby and also enjoy teaching our youth and families how to

fish and experience the beauty of the outdoors. My goal is to build a better life experience for our youth by giving them the tools to use what our world and nature has to offer.  I believe the

great outdoors is the portal to another world that connects us with our innermost instincts.  I feel fishing can build relationships and create great memories. When children are

out there sharing amazing moments with their families it brings out a joy and love in them that will never go away, memories that last a lifetime, and shared for many

generation. Being an Angler instructor keeps this sacred heritage of man alive for this generation and future generations to come.

I graduated in 2019 from Sam Houston State University with a major in History and a double minor in Spanish and English. I was inducted into History Honors Society, Spanish Honors Society, and as well the English Honors Society. At the moment I am working on my M.A. in English at Sam Houston State University.

I spend time volunteering with many organizations such as Texas Parks

and Wildlife, I love the parks and its symbol to our community. I am also a Hunters Education Instructor, and a Boaters Ed Instructor with the TPWD.

I am a member of the Lone Star Hiking Trail, where I have adopted a portion (Phelps

Section) of the trail to maintain so that others can enjoy hiking through it, I have spent many Saturday’s helping the team maintain many other sections of the LSHT. I am a Texas Master

Naturalist with the Heartwood Chapter which I also do a lot of volunteering to help promote

conservation and our love for the nature and the wild.

Another vital organization I am associated with is Texsar (Texas Search and Rescue),

of which I have volunteered with on many occasions during catastrophic events and emergencies.  I am also working on becoming a search and rescue Drone Pilot for Texsar. I am also a First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor with the Red Cross. Being a part of these organizations and having these certifications allows me to work towards my future and helping people in many ways.


John R. Masterson


“Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.”

Johnson County, KS

I was raised a Kansas farm boy around Waverly, KS. After attending ESU, I was an IT and Business/Principal Consultant as I traveled all over the US working various projects from New York City to San Francisco before I finally decided on settling down in Kansas City with my Real Estate Business www.FranksRealty.com . I love helping others and work with various community service oriented programs throughout the year.

As an Eagle Boy Scout, I’m an active volunteer with Boy/Girl Scouts In the Kansas City and surrounding areas.

Fishing’s Future – I am the Johnson County, KS chapter organizer for this Free non-profit service. Fishing’s Future provides opportunities for individuals, groups, and families to learn more about fishing and have FUN while learning. Contact me for more information or if you would like to schedule an event. Fishing is a passion of mine and I love teaching others regardless of their experience. FFJoCo@Gmail.com

Olathe, KS

Josh & Sara Nelson – Clinton, OH

I was born and raised in Port Clinton, Ohio. I spent my childhood outdoors hunting and fishing on Lake Erie. I graduated from Tiffin University with a bachelors degree in Criminal Justice. I have worked part-time as a juvenile probation officer for the past 15 years. My husband Josh and I have two sons, Andrew (17) and Griffin (10). My husband Josh got me into Bass Fishing two years ago and I have been hooked ever since. As a family we enjoy many outdoor activities; Kayaking, hiking, fishing, bird watching, and hunting for beach glass on the shores of Lake Erie. We are very passionate about fishing and look forward to uniting families and teaching them how to fish.

Port Clinton, OH
Fishings Future Junction City Kansas Chapter Chris Biggs

Junction City, Kansas

Chris Biggs – Kansas born, Tennessee raised. Moved back to KS in 2011. Father of two beautiful girls and one hard working loving wife that supports me to the moon and back! Passionate for family and outdoor life. I am a Board Director at the Geary County Fish and Game. Enjoy a good round of skeet then head to the lake for some fishing. I have hunted deer in Tennessee but not in Kansas yet. I am a certified Hunter Education Instructor and an Angler Educator for the state of Kansas. I am very patient with children as I want them to succeed in every aspect. Being a Master Angler for Fishing’s Future is truly the icing on the cake as I cherish family values and love fishing at the same time. ”

Junction City, KS

Kansas Veterans (Topeka, Kansas)

Retired from the Military work with the local 4H and Heroes on the Water. I was a part that started a Sports Fishing Club for the 4H youth.

Kansas Veterans, Topeka, KS

Katy Chapter

Brenda Shaver enjoys having the opportunity to connect children and their families to the great outdoors by teaching them to fish together. She believes in the importance of teaching children a lifetime sport they can one day pass along to their own families. As a Physical Education teacher, she had the opportunity to help bring fishing to Katy ISD, in 2003-2004, by providing opportunities for Fishing Clubs and Fishing Field trips. In a partnership with Texas Parks & Wildlife, she was a co-founder of Take Me Fishing Hutsell, once known as a pilot program through Texas Parks & Wildlife as Take Me Fishing Houston. Fishing Clubs, Fishing Field trips & Take Me Fishing Hutsell continue to grow and thrive in the Katy community introducing children and their families to fishing.

Brenda’s earliest memories of fishing were those with her Dad, Mom, brother and sisters in South Texas. Many a day were spent fishing in the bays of Port O’Conner and Matagorda.  Her first introduction to fresh water fishing was when her family moved to Arizona where they fished on Lake Powell. It was during this time she grew to love the adventures in the great outdoors.

As a retired teacher, Brenda continues to have an active role in Katy ISD’s, Fishing’s Future and Texas Parks & Wildlife fishing programs, teaching children Angler Education, Boater Safety and respect for our environment. One of her greatest joys is watching a child catch their very first fish. The smiles and excitement are contagious!

Ken Hyde – Texas

Thank You Ken Hyde for all your many years with the Fishing’s Future Family. You are always welcome to help at any event.

Lake Murray Chapter

P.O. Box 212 Gilbert, SC 29054 United States

Lakeway Mansfield Chapter – Austin

Dan was born with a fishing rod in his hand.  He lives to fish and share the joys found outside.

Daniel “Dan” Wilson graduated from high school and immediately began his life of serving by spending the next 4 years as a Marine serving two tours of duty in Iraq. Serving as a Marine, Dan used his free time to fight another quarry, FISH!

Returning home, he entered college and joined the National Guard.  After twelve years of service Dan exited the service but did not discontinue serving others.

Dan spends as much time on the water as allowable, and now with kids of his own he gets to share the love of fishing with those most dear to him. He currently works and lives in Lakeway Texas where he and his family of four enjoy lake the Travis scenery and fishing. “Growing up I was blessed with great mentors my Uncle and father that spent quality time with me outdoors. This undoubtedly changed my views on life , family, and the love of the outdoors.  I believe that every kid should have the opportunity to experience the same joy and love that was passed to me. Fishing’s Future provides the opportunity for me to see this vision through.


Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania

Jeff was born and raised in Catawissa, Pennsylvania (near Bloomsburg) and currently resides in Allentown Pennsylvania.  He has a beautiful wife, daughter and a handsome son.  Growing up in the country in Catawissa, it was easy to have a great passion for the outdoors.  At about the age of 5 Jeff still remembers his first fish (a Rainbow Trout) he ever caught and how excited he was on the opening day of trout fishing with his father and older brothers.  With his first fish in hand, he remembers running over to show his dad and almost tripping over fishing poles along the way.

For about 25 years after his first fish, Jeff enjoyed fishing with live bait until fishing with artificial lures became another of his challenges .  It was not long after fishing with artificial lures and sitting in on several professional bass fishing seminars, that Jeff found himself in a local bass fishing club fishing tournaments.  In 2005, he became the club’s Youth & Conservation Director organizing and facilitating local youth events.  Besides fishing, Jeff enjoys taking his family camping, hiking, biking, boating and simply cooking hotdogs over a fire in the backyard.  He also enjoys scuba diving to get a different perspective of life under the water.

Jeff is a middle school science teacher who enjoys teaching and getting his students excited about science.  He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Ed. (Biology) at Kutztown University.  He then attained his Master’s in Technology in the Classroom through Wilkes University and continues to improve his professional career.

In 2008, Jeff combined his love for science and his passion for fishing and created Lucas Lures (www.LucasLures.com), a small business making “custom” soft plastic fishing lures.  Jeff is excited to be a part of Fishing’s Future’s Mission to share his passion for fishing and the outdoors with the youth of today.

Allentown, PA

Loveland, CO

Heidi moved to Loveland, CO on 5/2020 – She has relocated to CO but has closed her Chapter. She is currently on the Fishing’s Future Advisory Board and can ask questions about opening a Chapter in CO.


Heidi was also been recognized for the following:

2017 National Milken Educator (https://www.milkeneducatorawards.org/educators/view/heidi-albin)

2019 National Presidential Awardee for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching  (https://www.paemst.org/finalist_profile/4898)

Maize, KS

Lulling, Texas

Paul obtained a B.S. in Marine Biology from Texas A & M in Galveston in 1982 and after short stints with the National Marine Fisheries Service and the National Park Service, Paul began his career with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in 1986. Paul started working at the CCA/CPL Marine Development Center producing red drum, spotted seatrout and flounder fingerlings to enhance populations. During his tenure he participated in producing over 500,000,000 fish for stocking into Texas bays.  While at the hatchery he completed his master’s degree at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and wrote his thesis “Operational Methods and Procedures for Production of Red Drum Fingerlings at the Gulf Coast Conservation Association – Central Power & Light Marine Development Center.”  This was used to standardized hatchery procedures and as a training reference for new hatchery employees.  After 22 years at the hatchery Paul transferred to his current position with the Ecosystem Resources Program, with a goal of protecting and enhancing the habitats for the fingerlings that are produced. Paul promotes the conservation, restoration and enhancement of fish, wildlife, and habitats through coordination with federal, state and non-governmental agencies. Paul works with the general public, scientific community and local schools to educate and provide public awareness of protecting Texas’ natural resources. Paul enjoys working with youth and promotes TPWD’s motto “Life is Better Outdoors” by serving as a certified instructor for TPWD’s Angler, Hunter and Boater education programs.  Paul looks forward to continuing his fishing outreach education by starting a Fishing’s Future chapter in Corpus Christi.

Paul is also active in the community and serves as Vice President on Board of Directors for the Coastal Bend Bays Foundation, President for Sea City Work Camp, Trustee for St. Thomas Knights of Columbus, member of St. Thomas Parish Council and is on the Board of Directors for the Corpus Christi Chapter of the Coastal Conservation Association.  Paul served on the Executive Board of the inaugural Coastal Brigades summer camp that taught youth about the coastal environment with emphasis in conservation, habitat management, water quality, saltwater fisheries and freshwater inflows.   Paul enjoys sharing his knowledge of biology and conservation with future biologists by serving as an adjunct professor at TAMU-CC for the past 4 years.

Corpus Christi, TX

Lytle Texas Chapter

McAllen, TX

Miami County Kansas Chapter (RETIRED 12/30/2021)

Born in Kansas and lived here most of my life. Father to four sons and one daughter. I married my best friend that is one hard working and loving wife that supports me in everything that I do. We both enjoy our family and outdoor life. Little bit about me to understand why I want to be involved. I am involved with Scouts both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts over the last 18 years and currently enjoy working with them through the merit badge program. I am an avid camper and fisherman and enjoy Geocaching. I am the Kansas state advocate for Leave No Trace and enjoy teaching youth what I have learned and how to treat our great outdoors just a little bit better. Seeing the sharp decline over the last few years with our youth participating in outdoor activities has brought me to where I am today. I especially have noticed a great decline in our fishing programs and I feel more than ever that kids should be given the opportunity to learn to fish, this gets them out of the house and away from the electronics. Far too many kids are not getting enough nature in their lives, and certainly far too many kids are not fishing and enjoying the great outdoors and what mother nature has to offer plus fishing teaches kids about conservation and a love for nature, that in my book is a WIN, WIN. Fishing Future offers everything that I believe in for a great family activity that all can learn together and have a wonderful time.

Mike Schmitt
Paola, KS.

Michael Scherer

Michael Scherer has a simple saying “Teaching today, to catch one tomorrow”. This saying sums up everything that Michael stands for.
Michael’s leadership skills started early as a gymnastics coach at 16 years old while living in Roanoke, Virginia and even taught at a sports camp during the summer at Virginia Tech. He could also be found rounding up the neighbor kids and teaching them some sort of outdoor skills.

When Michael moved back to Texas he devoted his time by becoming involved with Ducks Unlimited, Leave No Trace, Tread Lightly, Boy Scouts of America, and Texas Parks & Wildlife.

Throughout the years Michael has received numerous awards, recognitions, and certifications so he can help others.

• 2008 – Boy Scout – District Award of Merit
• 2013 – Boy Scouts – Silver Beaver Award (Texas Skies District)
• 2014 – Boy Scouts – Certified Angler Instructor #417-14
• 2015 – Boy Scouts – Certified Angler of The Year
• 2016 – Tread Lightly Master Educator
• 2016 – Boy Scout – William T. Hornaday Badge
• 2010 – Texas Parks & Wildlife – Certified Angler Educator #1001210
• 2015 – TP&W Certified Boater Educator
• 2016 – ACA Kayak Instructor

• 2015 – TP&W Angler Education Gold Award
• 2016 – TP&W Angler Educator Platinum Award
• 2016 – Texas Commission on Environmental Quality – Runner up – Individual Award
• 2016 – Project WILD / Aquatic WILD – Facilitator
• 2016 – USA Level 1 Archery Instructor Certified
• 2016 – Hunter Education Instructor

Not only has Michael been awarded and recognized for his outstanding service to others, but also gives his time to serve on various boards and started two new groups
• Fishing’s Future – Teaching families basic angler education across the USA through Family Fish Camps. Volunteer
• 2016 – 2nd CASTS (founder) – a Part of Fishing’s Future – Collects used fishing tackle & gear that is cleaned up and issued to families, Scout Camps, State Parks, and local community nature centers.
• 2015 – present – Coastal Brigade / Texas Brigades – Committee Member and volunteer
• 2014 – Founder – Green Hornets Leave No Trace Team – Hutsell Elementary School
• 2018 – present – TPWD Inland Fisheries Advisory Board
• 2020 – Steve Campbell Outstanding Educators Award from the National Aquatic Education Resource Association (A.R.E.A)

2024 – Texas Parks & Wild – Sapphire Award for being the first instructor in the State of Texas and possibly in the USA to have certified over 1000+ Adults how to teach others the basics of fishing and stewardship.

2024 – Presidential Award for volunteering over 6000+ hours

The Scherer family has also taken a few hits from mother nature with the loss of their home to a fire in 2009 and then after rebuilding house flooded during Hurricane Harvey in 2017. This did not stop Michael and wife, Elizabeth from putting together a program called “First Catch Centers” with Fishing’s Future and the Recreation Boating and Fishing Foundation. That help educated more than 10,000 people in Texas and New Jersey. Michael has always been an individual who truly lives to serve.

Ethics & Stewardship
Michael has always cared for the environment and has taught Leave No Trace and Tread Lightly skills to various groups. In 2014, while fishing in a community park he found that trash and fishing line was the only catch of the day. Instead of finger pointing, he asked the precinct in ways he could bring in other to help. Michael turned to a local elementary school and spoke with their school council. The Hutsell Elementary School “Green Hornets” was started and still meets today. The group meets 4 times a year at the park and he teaches them about water issues and then does a park clean up. The trash is collected and laid out for all to see and discuss ways to educate the public. One item that was noticed was a large amount of fishing line and fish bones with fishing line wrapped around them. In 2015, Michael looked at ways to help fisherman become better ethical anglers to the environment and helped them become stewards by looking into the fishing line problems that entangle all the fins and feather friends in the waterways. He wrote a guide called “Prevent Monofilament from Becoming the Next Invasive”. An instructional guide that teaches how to build, install, manage, and recycle monofilament fishing line. This guide is currently being used across the USA in Programs, 4-H clubs, Fishing Clubs, and even some colleges. Since 2015 Michael alone has collected and recorded recycling 10491.825 oz, or 655.74 pounds of monofilament fishing line.

Leadership and commitment to improving fishing
Michael’s dad, Vernon Scherer, played a huge factor in his leadership style. My dad was a good father, mentor, and a leader in the community. His leadership style was one that brought people together and engaging. I feel my dad would be very proud in what I am doing in sharing my passion that he taught me many years ago. It comes from the heart.

During COVID-19 Michael could not sit in his home and do nothing. He found a way, and items in his garage to continue angler education to the community through Zoom video conferencing. It had to be Interactive, Online, and needed to be a family experience. The Interactive Online Experience Family Fish Camps were born. He turned his home office into a studio and then started online programs.
• Cub Scouts – Bears – elective called “A Bear Goes Fishing”
o Scouts registered from Texas, Kansas, South Carolina, and New Jersey
• Fishing’s Future – Family Fishing Camps Online
o Basic Knot Skills – How to create a wire hanger hook
o Basic Fishing Equipment
o Basic Fish ID
• Texas Parks & Wildlife issued permission to do a pilot Angler Instruction Class

Unselfish Contributions to the Sport of Fishing
Leaving a legacy, planting a seed, shaping the next generation are other sayings that Michael teaches along with “Teaching today, to catch one tomorrow”! But these saying are not just for Michael to have more fish to catch, but for future families and anglers to be able to catch that first fish together in clean waterways. He always says that the greatest gift after a family fish camp on Saturday, is a text from a family on Sunday with the saying, “We caught a fish today”! Not “I”, but “we”.
The contribution of teaching angler education as a volunteer with Texas Parks & Wildlife from 2010 to present day Apr 2020 has been recorded. 3200 hours, has been a part of and has run 570 events, educated 17, 308 Adults, and 20,566 Youth to date.

Overall Contribution
Everyday I think on how I can make a difference through education and sharing my passion of fishing and the outdoors. I push myself to learn more to share more but staying within my comfort zone of teaching. I create by the knowledge I understand. My true overall contribution to recreational fishing is simple. I make it fun.

Today, Michael Scherer is the Program Director of Fishing’s Future

Michael Wilson – OHIO – Ottawa County

OCT 17 2022 – New Chapter Coming soon in Ottawa County

Mid Valley

Let’s give a Fishing’s Future family hug to our NEWTEST Chapter lead, Alberto Herrera.
Alberto has helped with events with the Katy Chapter and has taken his skills to Weslaco, Texas.
He has opened up a new chapter called Mid Valley and will share his passion to the Rio Grand Valley.
I am so excited for this young man and looking forward to see this chapter grow into something amazing.
Here is a little about Alberto Herrera.
Hey everyone! My name is Alberto Herrera and I am a self-taught angler and hunter from the Rio Grande Valley. I have spent many hours outdoors as I grew up running long distances and being a student-athlete at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in cross country and track. Being a runner, I believe, helped spark my curiosity for exploring. I always wanted to know more and do more and this led me to try many new things, one of them being fishing. I instantly enjoyed the struggle and joy that fishing brings, and that has kept me coming over the years. Having the opportunity to lead a chapter and share the joy that fishing brings with other members in my community is a great privilege. I get to be that person who I would’ve liked to have as a kid or as a beginner in this great activity. With that being said, let’s have some FUN!
Good Luck! We are all here to help… <><

Minneapolis, MN

Mission, Texas

Roy is a lifelong Texan, hunter and fisherman employed by Texas Parks & Wildlife Department as Park Naturalist for Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park & World Birding Center.  For over fifteen years, Roy J. Rodriguez has also been a Natural Resource Interpreter, consultant and environmental educator involved in numerous conservation endeavors.

A self-taught birder, Roy’s thorough knowledge and passion for teaching have transformed him into one of the Valley’s most sought-after bird watching guides.  His experience as a professional birding guide has taken him across the U.S. & Mexico and from the Arctic Circle to the shores of the Yellow Sea.  He is a TPW Master Interpreter, a charter member of the Lower Rio Grande Valley Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists, lead instructor for the National Hispanic Environmental Council’s Environmental Training Institute Scholarship programs and presenter for the Changing the Face of American Birding Diversity Conferences.

Pharr, TX

Mulvane, Kansas

Gregory’s bio coming soon.

Mulvane, KS

Nevada, MO (RETIRED 10/4/2021)

Vernon County Missouri Chapter

I am John Copple, a grandfather who enjoys sharing my love of fishing with kids. My first memories of fishing go back to small rural lakes with my dad and my granddad, both of whom also enjoyed the experience of fishing as much, or more than, the catch.

Although there is a wide variety of fish in our local waters, catfish are my favorites. I’m starting to fish for bass as well. But I most enjoy the quiet of nature. I can spend several hours at a time with a fishing pole just watching the water and the surrounding wildlife.

I started working with my grandsons when they were four and five years old. I was surprised at how quickly they caught onto the mechanics of casting as well as the concept of catch and release.

I learned that there are lots of little folks out there who would love to fish but who for a variety of reasons don’t get the opportunity to fish. Fishing’s Future came along with the equipment and instruction to connect youngsters and their families with the outdoors and the fun of fishing. Several years ago I established the second Fishing’s Future Chapter in the State of Kansas. I was blessed to work with elementary school children in an after-school program there for several years.

Now that I’m in Missouri I am honored to have the second Fishing’s Future Chapter in this state. My home base is Nevada, Missouri. We have a partnership with the City of Nevada. We are planning several annual events under the Fishing’s Future banner. Please check the “Events” link on this website to find our schedule of events.

New-Old School Fishing Chapter

Born and raised in Brownsville Texas. My parents were shrimpers and had 13 Shrimp Boat’s in the Shrimp Basin of Brownsville. 10 were wooden hall and my dad built 3 steel-haul ones himself. We also had an unloading dock and Seafood Market. I was blessed to have 3 sister and 1 brother growing up with me around the docks and we learned to fish with what ever was available. At 12 I got to earn money heading shrimp and by time I was 19 I was working in my parents Seafood Market on Hwy 48 across from the Shrimp Basin where I worked and raised my kids for many years.

I am now honored to be the Master Angler of one of Fishing’s Future many Family Fish Camp Chapters which I named “New-Old School Fishing” in honor of my Family and Fishing’s Future for the many years of fishing fun.  They allow me to enjoy fishing and learning more and more about Angler Education along side my husband Steve Rucker.

“Fishing’s Future is more than a sport”

Everyone associated with Fishing’s Future cares deeply about humanity and about the joys found in fishing. We are all committed to sharing our passion for fishing and we want to give you the knowledge and skills we were taught so you can experience the same level of joy and satisfaction we gain through fishing.

If you are Interested in coming to one of our Family Fish Camps or learning more, feel free to contact me.

Cindymae Rucker


Noblesville Fishers Chapter

Aaron was born and raised in Alexandria, Indiana and currently resides in Fishers, Indiana. He has a beautiful wife and two lovely daughters Ava and Ellie, as well as two spoiled Dachshunds. One of Aaron’s life long passions is the outdoors.  Aaron’s keen interest for fishing began as a small child while fishing local farm ponds with his father.  Aaron recalls learning life lessons during his family’s annual fishing trip to Mesick, Michigan fishing the Mantisee.

Building on the skills learned as a young child, Aaron competed in several amateur fishing events throughout Indiana.   Aaron now spends his spare time fly-fishing the White River for Smallmouth Bass.  During the winter months Aaron pursues his love for the outdoors by ice fishing and hunting white-tailed deer

Aaron earned his Masters in Nursing and a Masters in Business Administration from Anderson University and is currently the Manager of Clinical Operations and Trauma Center for Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital. Developing the Indiana chapter for Fishing’s Future is an important priority to Aaron. “The mission of Fishing’s Future is to introduce and reconnect kids to the outdoors, while creating the unique opportunity for families to strengthen bonds through fishing.  Families today have to compete with technology to connect to each other; our clinics will provide an opportunity for parents to get kids outside while strengthening their relationships with one another.  Teaching children the art of fishing is vital to the preservation, conservation, and restoration of our natural habitats.

The lifelong lessons I’ve learned from fishing include patience, persistence, and respect.  These virtues have shaped my life and encouraged me to make right life decisions.  I encourage parents to come out to a clinic and experience the special bond that fishing can create. It’s about being together.“

Noblesville, IN

Ogden, UT

Fishing has been an interest of Ken’s as long as he can remember.  By age twelve, one could say he was committed (hooked) on the sport of fishing.  Often on summer mornings he would be up and fishing by 6:00 a.m. and home again with a limit of fish for breakfast.  However, this happened perhaps too often so his father encouraged him on the idea of “catch and release”.  As a member of the Boy Scouting program as a young man, most of their scouting camps centered on fishing activities.  His boyhood experiences with fishing were so positive that it influenced his career choice of becoming a Physical Education teacher and guide his students to become anglers.  As a father and grandfather along with support from his wife Belvadean, teaching his children and grandchildren the skills of fishing have always been a part of family activities and vacations.

In the years 1997 through 2002 he was given the opportunity to pioneer fishing classes for The Lifetime Sports program, as part of the Weber High School Physical Education Department.  This one semester State Accredited class was well accepted and included both young men and young women.  This course allowed the students to receive part of their Physical Education requirement for graduation.

From 2001 to 2014 as the lead instructor and volunteer, he served the Ogden City Recreation Department as part of the Utah Urban Youth Fishing Club Programs. He was instrumental in the development of Glassman Pond as a “Community Pond” in the Utah Urban Fisheries state wide program. During that time, he was fortunate to be recognized three times by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Volunteer of the Year in 2005, Outstanding Service Award 2010, and in 2014 he was awarded a Stewardship Award as Community Fisheries Mentor of the Year.  In Scouting in 2016 he was recognized with the William T. Hornaday Gold Badge for teaching conservation within fishing programs.

Ken has been a Merit Badge Councilor for Fishing and Fly Fishing in the Trapper Trails Council since 2003.  He holds Certifications as a Fishing Instructor from The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Urban Fisheries Program 2000 to present,” Take Me Fishing” Passport to Fishing and Boating 2003 to present, Future Fisherman Foundation “Hooked on Fishing” 2012 to present, and a B.S.A. Certified Angling Instructor 2016.

As chairman of the Trapper Trails Council Fishing Committee he has influenced the development of four chapters of Fishing’s Future, the organization that provides quality fishing equipment and programs so scouts can receive the Fishing and Fly Fish Merit Badges while at summer camp.  The three camps that have FF Chapters are Camp Hull Valley, Camp Bartlett and Camp New Fork.  The fourth FF Chapter provides Cub Scout Day Campers fishing skills of casting and fish identification so they can become better anglers.  For the past six years, he has trained summer camp fishing staffs.  He recently has been appointed as Western Region Area 2 Fishing liaison for the B.S.A. National Fishing Committee.

Ogden, UT

Ogden, Utah

Junior Anglers!  For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved the water and have been fascinated by the challenge and thrill of catching fish! From a very young age, I have been blessed with many opportunities fishing the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as well as many lakes and streams throughout the Country and Mexico. Regardless if I’m bobber fishing for Bluegill or fishing for shark in a chum line, the thrill and excitement is always present!

I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and graduated from Northern Arizona University. Shortly after, I moved to Fort Collins, Colorado where I fell in love with the abundant streams, lakes and beautiful country. It is true that Trout live in the prettiest places on earth! Over the last 20 years I have developed a special interest in fly fishing and found I’ve enjoyed sharing, teaching and learning from others this amazing sport.

Most recently, I’ve moved to Ogden, Utah and like Colorado, have abundant resources to fish and enjoy the outdoors. Throughout my life, I have enjoyed serving within my community by teaching and mentoring in various youth programs. I’m excited to join Fishing’s Future as a Master Angler/Instructor and look forward to sharing the joys of fishing with kids and their parents.

Ogden, UT

Olathe JoCo KS Chapter (RETIRED 12/2021)

Kristy Estabine is a born and raised small town Kansas girl. Her dad taught her how to fish at an early age, along with family camping at the lake and regular Sunday afternoon fishing.  Kristy graduated from Emporia State University with a degree in Elementary Special Education, teaching in both Missouri and Kansas. She later went back to Emporia State to get a degree in Computer Information Systems and is a certified Adult learning instructor with emphasis in the IT arena.  She believes strongly in the strength and support of the family unit and that all children have the ability to contribute to their communities.  That’s why Fishing’s Future’s goals and objectives fit perfectly.
Now, the Fishing’s Future Master Angler for the Olathe JoCo Kansas chapter, enjoys coordinating Angler Education events and Family Fish camps.  In addition, Kristy’s emphasis is to certify and mentor small groups of Junior Ambassadors and youth volunteers; giving them opportunities to learn leadership skills to take with them into adulthood and ensure Fishing’s Future.

Olathe, KS

Outer Banks Chapter

Christiane has traveled the world as a child of an Air Force Colonel but no matter where the family lived there was always a fishing experience.  From west coast to east Christiane has fished with her family.

In 2005, Christiane met her husband, Billy.  Billy came from a rich upbringing on the water and they both bonded over their love of the water.  Whether fishing the warm Atlantic waters, clamming at Oregon Inlet or cast netting near Bogue Inlet, Christiane and Billy fished, laughed and loved.  In 2008, they welcomed son William to the family and the love of the water continues.

Christiane’s life took a wonderful turn when she started to work at Jennette’s Pier.   She was able to help bring fishing and ethical angling to the thousands of visitors who came to the pier each year.  She made it her goal to make sure that every child who caught their first fish would remember the experience and come back to fish again.

Nags Head, NC


Reel Blessed Chapter

Hello all. My name is Michael Schulze and my wife is Tania Schulze. By trade I am a flight test engineer for Sikorsky Helicopter. I received my training in the US Army. I spent 6 years in the military as a crew chief for Blackhawk Helicopters and left the army due to injuries sustained in Iraq. When I exited the military I was blessed to receive a job with Sikorsky Helicopter and have been working there since 2006. 

My wife Tania is a teacher’s aide at the school our church built in 2020. She really enjoys working with kids and she has a heart for missions. She has been on three missions’ trips, two to Africa and one to Costa Rica. 

In 2016 my work relocated us to Florida. When we came to Florida we had to start our lives over. Our two grown children decided to stay in PA, so it was just Tania, I, and our dogs. We had to find a new church home, find new friends, and find new hobbies. Since Florida had good fishing, I traded hunting to spend time with Tania fishing. We started fishing as soon as we got to Florida and have been fishing every weekend, weather permitting, ever since. 

Our new church is much smaller than the one we attended in PA. Due to it being smaller we had a hard time fitting in and finding a way to serve in our church. As we fished more, I got the feeling I wanted to work with troubled youth and take them fishing to try and help them out. Once the church announced it would be building a school I got the idea of starting a fishing club at the school. I figured it would be a good way for Tania and I to use our fishing passion  to serve our church and community.

About three months after the school opened, I reached out to Joe Simonds of Salt Strong, to see if he could put me in touch with someone who has started a school fishing club. Joe put me in touch with none-other than Shane “Uncle Shane” Wilson, Founder/CEO of Fishing’s Future.

I was a bit nervous at first as I wasn’t sure if I had the time to put into running a Fishing’s Future Chapter.  Shane assured me it was whatever I put into it as long as I held a minimum of three events a year for 2 consecutive years. I told Shane I needed to speak with my wife and pray about the decision as it was going to be larger than I anticipated. 

A few days after talking with Shane, praying about it with Tania, we decided to start our chapter and named it, “ Reel Blessed”!

 I felt this burning desire to make this happen. Tania and I spoke with Shane and Michael Scherer, Program Director,  and we signed a 2 year agreement. That very night I posted a letter on Facebook to raise the required funds. Within 3 days we had exceeded our fundraising goal. 

Ever since we started Reel Blessed  we have truly been blessed. We have held three events with over 90 participants. Our volunteers have been great and Reel Blessed name is becoming known throughout the fishing community in our area. Tania and I are excited to see the impact we have in our community by strengthening the family bonds through the sport of fishing!


Salina, Kansas

As a resident of Kansas, I was raised on the waters of Cheney Lake west of Wichita.  Almost every weekend our family spent time on the water fishing or in a camp ground sitting around a fire soaking bank lines.  My older days found me working in West Texas for awhile where I took up teaching Angler Education to other families at TPWD parks.

I was able to be reassigned back to Kansas where I brought the Fishing’s Future program to KDWPT and shared with them the great things we were doing in other states.  A partnership was formed and off to the races we went.

Today I enjoy teaching other adults the Angler Instructor Program for Kansas.  I also get to spend time teaching others the great experience of fishing during a Family Fish Camp.  The joy to see a young angler when they get that first fish ever makes every minute worth the effort.

I work as the state coordinator for Fishing’s Future and would love the opportunity to talk or teach you and your family the fundamentals of fishing.  Please join us in a Family Fish Camp at a Chapter in your local area of Kansas.

Please allow me to pass on the passion of Angling to your family and give you the gift of spending time together outdoors in GOD’s great surroundings.”


Salina, KS

Salisbury Chapter

My name is Nathan Lang and I grew up in Woodbine, Maryland. I am attending Salisbury University, majoring in Geographic Information Systems and minoring in Outdoor Education Leadership.   I grew up spending time on the farm, fishing the pond every chance I could get. My dad introduced me to fishing when I was young and we still spend time fishing the local waters in our area.

Right after high school, I got a job working as a first mate on an offshore fishing boat named Fish Finder out of Ocean City, Maryland. There is a variety of services we offer from catching and tagging mako sharks with satellite tracking devices, to catching sea bass, to trolling for blue fish.

My captain, Mark Sampson, has been a major influence for me, not just regarding fishing, but in life as well. He is one of the best in the business and I could not be more blessed to be working and learning from him. Working for him has really made me fall in love with educating others about fishing.

Being a part of Fishing Future provides the opportunity to educate others about fishing and, more importantly, about life. In the Delmarva area, there are various types of fishing opportunities for families to experience. It is a privilege to bring the community together through fishing so that families can not only reconnect with the area around them, but with each other as well.


Salisbury, MD

Sarasota Chapter – Florida

Chapter was in Alabama and moved to Florida

My name is Mike Bennett. I grew up in Ohio, attended the University of Alabama, and now live in Sarasota, Florida. I work in the engineering field and run sunset cruises

aboard a tiki boat out of Siesta Key. When not working, you’ll find me enjoying the outdoors with friends and family.

Fishing has always been a major part of my life. In past years, I’ve worked as a fishing guide from Alaska to Florida.

The people I’ve met along the way have made very positive impacts on my life, including the folks behind Fishing’s Future. I believe that fishing is a phenomenal way to

bring people together and I’m grateful that Shane and Michael have included me in their mission.

Via the Sarasota Chapter, I’m excited to raise funds to support the efforts of Fishing’s Future, organize water cleanup events,

and to host education events that promote both the youth angler and the strengthening of family relationships.

Shane Wilson

The Shane Wilson Story

Dec 14 2019 (UPDATED)

Shane Wilson has spent over 40 plus years teaching the art of fishing. Taking you back to the golden days of the seventies, in the year 1975, Shane began guiding and teaching fishing when he started Big Bass Expeditions in Central Indiana. Fast forward to present day, Shane continues to do what he does best – Sharing the sport of fishing with others all over the globe. Not only did Shane achieve a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Arts degree from Ball State University he also obtaining a Principals Certificate from the University of Texas at Brownsville is a certified Angling Education Instructor in three different states and an Area Chief for Texas Parks and Wildlife Aquatic program.

Shane’s leadership skills have not only been present in his personal endeavors but also throughout his professional life. Shane diligently dedicated his time to serving as a Plant Manager of a small 60 employee operation that did 150 million annually. During his time in Indiana he served as the Director of the Industrial Education and Economic Development Program for a Vocational and Technical College. Serving more than 37,000 UAW and GM employees, Shane took on the responsibility of overseeing all educational programs within 5 of those GM facilities. For more than 35 years Shane has served in public education in multiple positions, ranging from District level Administration to his current position as a First Grade Classroom School Teacher. In addition to molding and shaping young children Shane has patented, marketed and sold products within the recreational fishing industry.

When Shane moved to Texas, has devoted his time by becoming involved with numerous affiliations. Some of these affiliations are as follows; Shane is the Chairman of the Board with Sea Turtle Inc for the last 17 years. He is the past President and Chairman of the Board of Property Owners who Care, serving 12 years, a Board Director for the Laguna Madre Humane Society, past President of Friends of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, past President of the Laguna Madre Fly Fishing Association, and an Environmental Committee Member of Cameron County Coastal Issues. Shane was nominated by the City of South Padre Island to be one of five chosen to serve on the Board of Ethics and assisted in drafting the Code of Ethics for the City of South Padre Island.

To say Shane is an avid fisherman would be an understatement, he has fished in 49 of the 50 U.S States, as well as 9 Canadian Provinces. In the year 1996 he set an IGFA Fly Fishing World Record, which he still holds present day. In addition, with setting the Fly-Fishing World Record, Shane holds two Guinness Book of

World Records for hosting the World’s largest Surf Fishing Tournament. Fishing’s Future a 501-c3 Corporation was founded by Shane Wilson in 2007 and just within this time span Fishing’s Future has grown into an International Organization on two continents with more than 70 chapters. In the year 2015, The Kansas Wildlife Federation awarded Fishing’s Future the Conservation Organization of the Year. Just one year later in 2016, Fishing’s Future proudly received the Roland Sigurdsson Outstanding Aquatic Program being recognized as the #1 Aquatic Education Program in the entire Nation by the Aquatic Resources Education Association (AREA) which still stands to this day. Throughout the years Shane has received numerous awards and recognitions. These awards and recognitions are as follows;

  • 1996 – IGFA World Record Holder for Fly Fishing
  • 2008 – Shane received the Conservationist of the Year Award
  • 2009 – Shane received the Outdoor and Wildlife Preservation Award for exemplary contributions, enhancement and promotion of the Laguna Madre
  • 2009 – Shane was called to the Texas State Senate Floor and received Senate Resolution #864
  • 2009 – Shane was a recipient of “Council of the Sagamore of the Wabash” State of Indiana from Governor Otis Bowen
  • 2013- Shane was selected by the City of South Padre Island as the (Citizen of the Year) where he was inducted into the Rio Grande Valley Walk of Fame
  • 2011 – Shane was featured on the South Texas Outdoors magazine cover
  • 2013 – Texas Parks and Wildlife Area Chief where he received the Bronze, Gold and Platinum awards
  • 2017 – Shane was featured in the FYI column of the Brownsville Harold
  • 2018 – Shane was selected by the American Sport Fishing Association to serve on a 4-person panel and present at the 2016 summit on increasing fishing participation in today’s environment
  • 2018 – Shane received the (Service Above Self Award) for outstanding leadership and dedication (Rotary)
  • 2020 – Inducted into the Texas Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame


Not only has Shane been awarded and recognized for his outstanding service to others, he has become a regular centerfold appearing in several popular fishing magazines. If you flip open the Guy Harvey’s fall 2018 quarterly issue you can read about Shane and Fishing’s Future. Shane has received many priceless gifts for his service some of which are, a U.S Flag flown over the Texas Capitol, a Texas ceremonial gavel that was used to open a Texas Legislative Session and he has been gifted two Texas State Senate Proclamations #166 and #275.

Shane Wilson has always been an individual who truly lives to serve. Not only is he active on several committees and active within his community, he has devoted his time to assisting others whenever his schedule permits. Shane is one of those people who is always anxious to lift a hand and help others wherever and whenever help is needed, all while continuing to host Family Fishing Camps and acting as a pillar in his Community. Shane is happily united to his wife, Stephanie Wilson where they reside in South Padre Island, the place they have called home for more than two decades together. It is here on this dreamy Island that Shane and his wife share their couch and their home with two very loved bearded collie. Shane and his wife consider themselves extremely lucky to be able to inhale the salty air every morning, from their front porch just blocks from the beach and enjoy sticking their toes in the sand along South Padres pristine beaches whenever they fancy. Not to mention, the dogs don’t mind either!


Ethics is the core of Shane Wilson. For example, if you are out on the water fishing with Shane and you suddenly get a hankering for a candy bar and you toss the wrapper in the water Shane will fish it out and put it in his pocket. Shane is the environmental steward he wants us all to be. He also never fishes without a fishing license.  Shane teaches what he preaches.  Shane was one of 5 selected by the City of South Padre Island to help draft the City’s first Code of Ethics.

You just won’t find Shane acting differently in the public or when he is completely alone on a stream.  He does the right thing because it is the right thing to do.   Shane believes that one should only keep what they can eat and if it just a little under or a little over the regulations, it must be returned.  He is a staunch advocate of CPR but doesn’t condemn those who like to keep a limit.  As a first-grade teacher, Wilson states, “There is no grey in the first grade.  It is either black or white,” and this is how he lives his life.  What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong…period.  The way Wilson expresses it when asked about how he lives his live pertaining to ethics, he states, “We are who we are and if we cheat, steal, lie, or break the law then we are not true to mankind or ourselves.  I choose to be true to both.”

Leadership and commitment to improving fishing

Shane has a God given talent to be able to envision a dream and bring that dream to fruition.  His ability to be able to confidently communicate that vision to others and encourage them to participate willingly in a way that is natural is one of Shane’s many remarkable leadership qualities. Shane transforms visions into reality. Today, Fishing’s Future spans over 21 states and has reached over a million individuals. The leadership qualities that Shane exudes motivates those around him to reach higher, stand taller, try harder or step out of their comfort zones to achieve what was once considered unachievable.  Shane provides and gives confidence, encouragement, wisdom and patience.  He teaches persistence, allows for mistakes and never finds fault in others.  “Life is full of obstacles and just like floating down a river one needs to look ahead, read the currents, ready himself for the unexpected and be willing to make the difficulty portages necessary to keep moving forward. A river never stops, and neither should we.” It is not surprising he has accomplished much but what is surprising is his humbleness and willingness to give freely of his time to make others successful.

Giving freely of him time, Shane blesses individuals and families with new experiences, he also educates them so that when they walk away, they take with them the knowledge, confidence and most importantly, the encouragement to go forth and try it independently. No family departs from Shane without being confident enough to attempt the sport at their next outing.

Unselfish Contributions to the Sport of Fishing

Shane Wilson is a remarkably dedicated and giving. Shane likes to say, “His entire life has no meaning if he cannot help others.” Not only has Shane received an outstanding number of awards and recognitions throughout the years as a result of his selfless giving. Shane likes to say his wife is the most giving of them all. Shane’s wife, Stephanie gives him to society, she allows him to spend countless hours and exhausting efforts to enrich a community.  He plants values that will remain within these individuals a lifetime. Everything Shane does, he does to promote a better mankind. Shane’s desire is to live a life so inspiring that he leaves a legacy as the guy who gave the gift of fishing. Shane doesn’t do anything he does for material gain. The greatest reward Shane receives is the simple gesture of a hug or a thank you from the families he works with, it floods his heart. Shane sits on many boards and has been President and vice President of many committees and boards. Shane has been recognized in several magazine articles for his unwavering service to mankind. In April of 2016, Fishing’s Future received two out of the five Vamos A Pescar Grants given by RBFF and was personally asked to accompany George Bush SR. while fishing, to which he joyfully accepted.

Scope of Impact

The scope of impact on freshwater fishing in Texas is immense. It spans from the Eastern part of the state all the way over to El Paso, it reaches as far north as Plainview all the way down to Brownsville. Fishing’s Future has chapters in over 20 communities in the State of Texas and has impacted hundreds of thousands of individuals through seminars, educational programs, fish camps and events. The scope of Freshwater fishing that stems from the organization Shane Wilson started, Fishing’s Future, ranges from Great Britain to California, and from Minnesota down to Texas. The impact Fishing’s Future has left on more than a million individuals is hopefully to adopt the lifetime hobby of fishing that will span multiple generations.

Overall Contribution

Present day, Fishing’s Future has left a lasting impact on hundreds of thousands of people within the State of Texas and millions Nationwide.  Because of Shane’s vision, Fishing’s Future has accumulated “28” active chapters in the State of Texas and is embraced by selfless volunteers who contribute thousands of hours to the Texas Angling Education Program over the last thirteen years. Shane has worked tirelessly to build an organization that not only re-connects children to nature, but he has taken great pride and joy into observing the rebirth of a family unit and seeing it grow back together.  Many parents and families seek Fishing’s Future, Shane or other Fishing’s Future chapters out to connect with their children. Fishing’s Future gives these families hope. Fishing’s Future plant the seed in everyone who participates for them to grow and flourish into respectable and successful leaders in society, it also ensures a recreational education for the love of the sport by teaching environmental stewardship and increasing awareness for the protection, conservation and restoration of our Nation’s aquatic natural resources.

South Padre Island, Texas

Dan was born with a fishing rod in his hand.  He lives to fish and share the joys found outside.

Daniel “Dan” Wilson graduated from high school and immediately began his life of serving by spending the next 4 years as a Marine serving two tours of duty in Iraq. Serving as a Marine, Dan used his free time to fight another quarry, FISH!

Returning home, he entered college and joined the National Guard.  Now he has joined Fishing’s Future and runs the West Fork White River Chapter in Alexandria, Indiana.

Dan spends as much time on the water as allowable.  He currently works on an off shore fishing boat aiding many customers land their first big fish. He continues to work on his education studying Environmental Science and Outdoor recreation.  “I believe that every kid should have the opportunity to fish, and I am going to see to it that they have the skills necessary to do so.”   “Fishing’s Future provides the opportunity for me to share my love of fishing.  Helping someone catch their first fish is more fun than actually catching one myself.”

Port Isabel, TX

Stacy Holt – Texas (Passed Nov 2024)

Thank You Stacy Holt for all your many years with the Fishing’s Future Family. You are always welcome to help at any event.

Sylvan Grove, KS

Tar Heel Chapter

I am a retired US Marine and currently work at the NC State University Center for Marine Sciences and Technology in Morehead City. I am a certified NCDENR Environmental Educator and avid fisherman.  My volunteer capacities are Boy Scouts of America, Southern Region Area 7, Fishing Programs Support Chair, Certified Angling Instructor Course Coordinator, Deputy Regional Coordinator, Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, President, Crystal Coast/Camp Lejeune Chapter FFI, and Master Angler Tarheel Chapter Fishings Future.  I am dedicated to promoting environmental and outdoor education to both young people and veterans.

Stella, NC

Tom Lang

Tom Lang is the Inland Fisheries Division Outreach Director for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. As a part of his duties at TPWD he serves as the Director of the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens, Texas. As part of his duties he oversees the statewide Angler R3 efforts, ShareLunker Program, Neighborhood Fishin’ Program, State Fish Art program, Toyota Texas Bass Fest, Texas Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame, and serves on the Inland Fisheries Division’s leadership team. He has previously served as the TPWD District Fisheries Supervisor in Wichita Falls, Texas and the statewide Fisheries Programs Specialist for the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks where he coordinated the Community Fisheries Assistance Program and Fish KS Angler Education program.

Tom spent his formative years in Louisville Kentucky where the majestic Ohio River and nearby Rough River Reservoir began his fascination with fishing and fisheries resources. Tom is a graduate of Purdue University where he majored in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, minoring in both Communication and History and he is also a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) where he earned a Master of Science in Aquaculture/Fisheries. Tom’s research at UAPB focused on evaluating the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Family and Community Fishing Program and aquatic education Fishing Derby Program.

Tom is an accomplished author in the fisheries field having written numerous manuscripts and contributed to multiple book projects including, most notably, co-editing the American Fisheries Society book “Urban and Community Fisheries Programs; Development, Management, and Evaluation.” He is currently co-editing a book on the future of angling participation. Further, Tom routinely organizes symposia and delivers conference presentations on a host of pertinent topics in the fisheries field.

He has been tremendously active in serving the largest and oldest society of professional fisheries scientists in the world, the American Fisheries Society. He served as a member of the Society’s Governing Board for five years, he has served on and chaired numerous Society level committees, is a past-President of the AFS Socioeconomics Section and a past-President of the AFS Fish Habitat Section. Tom is also a past-President of a national organization, the Aquatic Resources Education Association. Finally, he has also served as a member of the National Fish Habitat Partnership Board.

He has been the recipient of many honors including being selected for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Employee Recognition Award in Conservation, the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Outstanding Fisheries Worker award in both 2017 and 2019, was recognized for Exceptional Support of the Aquatic Resources Education Association, two of the programs he coordinated while serving the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks were recognized with Outstanding Sportfish Restoration Program awards during his tenure, and most notably he was named the inaugural National Friend of Reservoirs by the Reservoir Fish Habitat Partnership. However, Tom says that his greatest and most rewarding accomplishments are being a good husband to his wife and a good father to his four amazing children; Hunter, River, Fisher, and Meadow.

Tommy Graves Jr. – FLY906 Chapter – Michigan

The first fishing memory I have was at three years old. I was with my dad, on Lake St Clair. I remember my growing excitement watching him build the rig, then threading the worm through the hook, and watching that worm sink lower and lower until it was in the mysterious unseen. The anticipation was killing me… what’s down there? What’s lurking in the abyss? Then I remember getting distracted, talking and laughing with my dad, having a great time. Then the bobber dunked. The talking and laughing was replaced with sheer adrenaline. We pulled up a 4” rock bass, and that fish changed my life forever. 


I became an avid fisherman from that moment on. Through the years he taught me, catching a fish is just a bonus, and it’s about being in beautiful places engaging with loved ones in one of the most special ways. Him getting me involved in the sport at such a young age was not only critical to my fishing passion, but to our father and son bond. I still fish with my dad, and know he appreciates those perfect moments on the lakes, streams, and oceans as much as me. 

Tommy Graves Jr.

Naubinway, MI

Fishing's Future heroes

Upper Flat Creek, NC

Walk Worthy Warriors Chapter

I was introduced to fishing at an early age in my hometown of Gadsden Alabama at around 4 or 5 years of age.  I give homage to all my Wilson relatives but a special mention of my Uncle Theodore for ensuring the passion for fishing never disappeared from my vision of fun.

I missed the opportunity for frequent fishing once we moved to Atlanta. My blessing came when I joined the Marines in 1987 and fishing became an engaging activity for me.  During my Relax and Relaxation moments I found time to have family fun fishing.  My oldest three children (adult’s now) competed in bream, trout and catfish tournaments during their younger years. I was able to fish for a variety of fish in different locations throughout the United States however during my overseas moments (Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq) I did not go fishing yet sometimes wished I could have.

After I retired from Marines I attended college to earn a bachelor’s degree in a mathematics area.  I graduated in 2017 from Mercer University and worked to become a teacher of mathematic to public school students. I enjoyed teaching but after a year some previous military physical conditions worsened and teaching was not an option any longer.

I am now on a mission to build better bonds for families by providing pleasurable fishing opportunities here in Georgia thru Fishing Future. Please join me on a fishing camp and let’s make some positive memories that last a lifetime.