The Shane Wilson Story
Dec 14 2019 (UPDATED)
Shane Wilson has spent over 40 plus years teaching the art of fishing. Taking you back to the golden days of the seventies, in the year 1975, Shane began guiding and teaching fishing when he started Big Bass Expeditions in Central Indiana. Fast forward to present day, Shane continues to do what he does best – Sharing the sport of fishing with others all over the globe. Not only did Shane achieve a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Arts degree from Ball State University he also obtaining a Principals Certificate from the University of Texas at Brownsville is a certified Angling Education Instructor in three different states and an Area Chief for Texas Parks and Wildlife Aquatic program.
Shane’s leadership skills have not only been present in his personal endeavors but also throughout his professional life. Shane diligently dedicated his time to serving as a Plant Manager of a small 60 employee operation that did 150 million annually. During his time in Indiana he served as the Director of the Industrial Education and Economic Development Program for a Vocational and Technical College. Serving more than 37,000 UAW and GM employees, Shane took on the responsibility of overseeing all educational programs within 5 of those GM facilities. For more than 35 years Shane has served in public education in multiple positions, ranging from District level Administration to his current position as a First Grade Classroom School Teacher. In addition to molding and shaping young children Shane has patented, marketed and sold products within the recreational fishing industry.
When Shane moved to Texas, has devoted his time by becoming involved with numerous affiliations. Some of these affiliations are as follows; Shane is the Chairman of the Board with Sea Turtle Inc for the last 17 years. He is the past President and Chairman of the Board of Property Owners who Care, serving 12 years, a Board Director for the Laguna Madre Humane Society, past President of Friends of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, past President of the Laguna Madre Fly Fishing Association, and an Environmental Committee Member of Cameron County Coastal Issues. Shane was nominated by the City of South Padre Island to be one of five chosen to serve on the Board of Ethics and assisted in drafting the Code of Ethics for the City of South Padre Island.
To say Shane is an avid fisherman would be an understatement, he has fished in 49 of the 50 U.S States, as well as 9 Canadian Provinces. In the year 1996 he set an IGFA Fly Fishing World Record, which he still holds present day. In addition, with setting the Fly-Fishing World Record, Shane holds two Guinness Book of
World Records for hosting the World’s largest Surf Fishing Tournament. Fishing’s Future a 501-c3 Corporation was founded by Shane Wilson in 2007 and just within this time span Fishing’s Future has grown into an International Organization on two continents with more than 70 chapters. In the year 2015, The Kansas Wildlife Federation awarded Fishing’s Future the Conservation Organization of the Year. Just one year later in 2016, Fishing’s Future proudly received the Roland Sigurdsson Outstanding Aquatic Program being recognized as the #1 Aquatic Education Program in the entire Nation by the Aquatic Resources Education Association (AREA) which still stands to this day. Throughout the years Shane has received numerous awards and recognitions. These awards and recognitions are as follows;
- 1996 – IGFA World Record Holder for Fly Fishing
- 2008 – Shane received the Conservationist of the Year Award
- 2009 – Shane received the Outdoor and Wildlife Preservation Award for exemplary contributions, enhancement and promotion of the Laguna Madre
- 2009 – Shane was called to the Texas State Senate Floor and received Senate Resolution #864
- 2009 – Shane was a recipient of “Council of the Sagamore of the Wabash” State of Indiana from Governor Otis Bowen
- 2013- Shane was selected by the City of South Padre Island as the (Citizen of the Year) where he was inducted into the Rio Grande Valley Walk of Fame
- 2011 – Shane was featured on the South Texas Outdoors magazine cover
- 2013 – Texas Parks and Wildlife Area Chief where he received the Bronze, Gold and Platinum awards
- 2017 – Shane was featured in the FYI column of the Brownsville Harold
- 2018 – Shane was selected by the American Sport Fishing Association to serve on a 4-person panel and present at the 2016 summit on increasing fishing participation in today’s environment
- 2018 – Shane received the (Service Above Self Award) for outstanding leadership and dedication (Rotary)
- 2020 – Inducted into the Texas Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame
Not only has Shane been awarded and recognized for his outstanding service to others, he has become a regular centerfold appearing in several popular fishing magazines. If you flip open the Guy Harvey’s fall 2018 quarterly issue you can read about Shane and Fishing’s Future. Shane has received many priceless gifts for his service some of which are, a U.S Flag flown over the Texas Capitol, a Texas ceremonial gavel that was used to open a Texas Legislative Session and he has been gifted two Texas State Senate Proclamations #166 and #275.
Shane Wilson has always been an individual who truly lives to serve. Not only is he active on several committees and active within his community, he has devoted his time to assisting others whenever his schedule permits. Shane is one of those people who is always anxious to lift a hand and help others wherever and whenever help is needed, all while continuing to host Family Fishing Camps and acting as a pillar in his Community. Shane is happily united to his wife, Stephanie Wilson where they reside in South Padre Island, the place they have called home for more than two decades together. It is here on this dreamy Island that Shane and his wife share their couch and their home with two very loved bearded collie. Shane and his wife consider themselves extremely lucky to be able to inhale the salty air every morning, from their front porch just blocks from the beach and enjoy sticking their toes in the sand along South Padres pristine beaches whenever they fancy. Not to mention, the dogs don’t mind either!
Ethics is the core of Shane Wilson. For example, if you are out on the water fishing with Shane and you suddenly get a hankering for a candy bar and you toss the wrapper in the water Shane will fish it out and put it in his pocket. Shane is the environmental steward he wants us all to be. He also never fishes without a fishing license. Shane teaches what he preaches. Shane was one of 5 selected by the City of South Padre Island to help draft the City’s first Code of Ethics.
You just won’t find Shane acting differently in the public or when he is completely alone on a stream. He does the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Shane believes that one should only keep what they can eat and if it just a little under or a little over the regulations, it must be returned. He is a staunch advocate of CPR but doesn’t condemn those who like to keep a limit. As a first-grade teacher, Wilson states, “There is no grey in the first grade. It is either black or white,” and this is how he lives his life. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong…period. The way Wilson expresses it when asked about how he lives his live pertaining to ethics, he states, “We are who we are and if we cheat, steal, lie, or break the law then we are not true to mankind or ourselves. I choose to be true to both.”
Leadership and commitment to improving fishing
Shane has a God given talent to be able to envision a dream and bring that dream to fruition. His ability to be able to confidently communicate that vision to others and encourage them to participate willingly in a way that is natural is one of Shane’s many remarkable leadership qualities. Shane transforms visions into reality. Today, Fishing’s Future spans over 21 states and has reached over a million individuals. The leadership qualities that Shane exudes motivates those around him to reach higher, stand taller, try harder or step out of their comfort zones to achieve what was once considered unachievable. Shane provides and gives confidence, encouragement, wisdom and patience. He teaches persistence, allows for mistakes and never finds fault in others. “Life is full of obstacles and just like floating down a river one needs to look ahead, read the currents, ready himself for the unexpected and be willing to make the difficulty portages necessary to keep moving forward. A river never stops, and neither should we.” It is not surprising he has accomplished much but what is surprising is his humbleness and willingness to give freely of his time to make others successful.
Giving freely of him time, Shane blesses individuals and families with new experiences, he also educates them so that when they walk away, they take with them the knowledge, confidence and most importantly, the encouragement to go forth and try it independently. No family departs from Shane without being confident enough to attempt the sport at their next outing.
Unselfish Contributions to the Sport of Fishing
Shane Wilson is a remarkably dedicated and giving. Shane likes to say, “His entire life has no meaning if he cannot help others.” Not only has Shane received an outstanding number of awards and recognitions throughout the years as a result of his selfless giving. Shane likes to say his wife is the most giving of them all. Shane’s wife, Stephanie gives him to society, she allows him to spend countless hours and exhausting efforts to enrich a community. He plants values that will remain within these individuals a lifetime. Everything Shane does, he does to promote a better mankind. Shane’s desire is to live a life so inspiring that he leaves a legacy as the guy who gave the gift of fishing. Shane doesn’t do anything he does for material gain. The greatest reward Shane receives is the simple gesture of a hug or a thank you from the families he works with, it floods his heart. Shane sits on many boards and has been President and vice President of many committees and boards. Shane has been recognized in several magazine articles for his unwavering service to mankind. In April of 2016, Fishing’s Future received two out of the five Vamos A Pescar Grants given by RBFF and was personally asked to accompany George Bush SR. while fishing, to which he joyfully accepted.
Scope of Impact
The scope of impact on freshwater fishing in Texas is immense. It spans from the Eastern part of the state all the way over to El Paso, it reaches as far north as Plainview all the way down to Brownsville. Fishing’s Future has chapters in over 20 communities in the State of Texas and has impacted hundreds of thousands of individuals through seminars, educational programs, fish camps and events. The scope of Freshwater fishing that stems from the organization Shane Wilson started, Fishing’s Future, ranges from Great Britain to California, and from Minnesota down to Texas. The impact Fishing’s Future has left on more than a million individuals is hopefully to adopt the lifetime hobby of fishing that will span multiple generations.
Overall Contribution
Present day, Fishing’s Future has left a lasting impact on hundreds of thousands of people within the State of Texas and millions Nationwide. Because of Shane’s vision, Fishing’s Future has accumulated “28” active chapters in the State of Texas and is embraced by selfless volunteers who contribute thousands of hours to the Texas Angling Education Program over the last thirteen years. Shane has worked tirelessly to build an organization that not only re-connects children to nature, but he has taken great pride and joy into observing the rebirth of a family unit and seeing it grow back together. Many parents and families seek Fishing’s Future, Shane or other Fishing’s Future chapters out to connect with their children. Fishing’s Future gives these families hope. Fishing’s Future plant the seed in everyone who participates for them to grow and flourish into respectable and successful leaders in society, it also ensures a recreational education for the love of the sport by teaching environmental stewardship and increasing awareness for the protection, conservation and restoration of our Nation’s aquatic natural resources.