Greetings BPSA,
We are very excited to be able to offer this TPWD Angler Education Online Instructors Workshop. Please complete all Steps..
Please read the entire page
There are a few items that we need to gather from you before we can start this adventure.
More more information about the Texas Parks & Wildlfe (TPWD) Angler Education, please visit the following website
In order to become a TPWD Angler Education (AED) volunteer instructor, you need too,
1) Register here
2) Can complete 6-hrs of online training of 4 days (1.5-hrs aday) 7:00 – 8:30pm
Dates have been set: Sept 15 (Tues), Sept 17(Thurs), Sept 22 (Tuesday), Sept 24 (Thurs)
3) Register and creat a profile with TPWD – Link will be supplied before the class starts.
4) Pass a Criminal Background Check (CBC). This will be done by TPWD at no cost to you.