Private Cub Scout Fishing event hosted by Fishing's Future Master Angler Frank Audano Tomahawk Parkway North Pond is a lake located just 3 miles from Leawood, in Johnson County, in the state of Kansas, United States, near Overland Park, KS.Private event with Sarah Mondry
Feel free to join in to learn all about the fundamentals of angling. Fish ID to knot tying to equipment. We learn the rules and have fun. Bring your own equipment or barrow one of mine. Fishing license are waved during the educational event. Families are urged to attend. We will then go to the […]
Halstead 6th Grade Family Fish Camp Parents, Teachers and Students of Halstead Middle School 5th grade will come out to Harvey County West Park to celebrate Earth Day. Half the kids will go through fish camp in the morning and the other half will go on a nature hike. Then after lunch we will rotate.