A Fishing Story – Abby King
Thank You Phil Taunton for sharing this with us.
Good day everybody, my name is Abby King, I live in Augusta, Kansas, I am 14, and I have a story to tell you…
One crappie Day things took a turn for the better. My brother Eli and I went on a fishing trip with Joe Bragg and Phil Cansler. At 1 o’clock we went out on Council Grove lake, and we started trolling crank bait for Croppie. We were trolling 100 feet of line at about 1.5 mph. While I was sitting on the fishing chair drinking a soda, at the same time two of the four poles had fish on. Afterwards, we continued for a little longer with no result, and decided to go brush fishing. So, we are on the west side of the lake, stopped at the first brush pile, we’ve got line in the water and I’m thinking this day couldn’t get any beta! Next, I’m looking at Joe’s real-time sonar camera, the brush pile looks like it has leaves because the Croppie are packed in the branches like sardines. It was like watching a movie, over and over again, we watched the jig go down and the fish come up. Until disaster strikes!!! It’s Eli’s turn, the pole quivers in his clammy hands THUMP!!! A fish was on the hook, but Eli was nervous to reel it in so he tried to just lift it out of the water and an oppor-TUNA-ty arose. The fish went flying towards Phil’s face, but it hit the back of Joe’s navigator instead. Eli was on pretty fin ice after that. We continued fishing at the brush piles for a while, and proceeded back to the marina. Upon our arrival, we made a little recording about our trip with Joe. Then we met Anthony, Phil’s great nephew. First, Anthony, Eli, and I got a Pisces pedicure, which is where you put fish food between your toes and let the carp suck on your feet. I named a few of them, there is Leonardo DiCarprio, Fish Pratt, and there is only one catfish. I call him Swim Shady! Next, we went paddle boarding,and diving off of the new dock, but of course Eli got stung by a wasp. So, that made him trout, I mean pout, But in all the day was amazing. The next day Phil came to the new pavilion at Richey Cove and introduced himself to the troop, and he stopped by Eli and I’s campsite, to give us a brand new Zebco 33 fishing poles. I had already caught a dozen fish by the following Monday…
Thanks again Phil, this was so fun and I can’t wait to come back. Thanks for listening guys, shout out to my friends back in Augusta, and I hope you liked my story. BYEE!!!
< Abby King